域名年龄: 20年11个月12天HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 访问时间:2013年07月24日 16:37:23 目标网址:http://www.0zd.com/ 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:189 Keep-Alive: timeout=2, max=100 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2013年07月24日 16:37:23 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:1090 Keep-Alive: timeout=2, max=100 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html
0zd.com10 years old, 3 characters long url.This domain was registered on 2003-12-30 (current owner since 2011-10-09) and will expire on 2013-12-30This domain registered at GoDaddy and available for push to your free GoDaddy account.Purchase this domain for only $500.00Sod & Loam™ has the distinct priviledge of selling this domain. The owner reserved 0zd.com specially for a project they have not yet been able to complete. While they may still finish this project, they understand that the domain is valuable and someone else may have their eyes set on this domain. In the hopes that use made be made of the domain, rather than it sit for too long or be held by sites full of useless and confusing links, they would be happy to pass it along to caring, loving new parents.A full list of domains available from Sod & Loam™.Sod & Loam™ is a purveyor of fine real estate. Our clients have picked these domain names for actual projects but then have not been able to start/complete those projects and thus are open to parting with the URLs. This is your chance. Don't bother with misspelled URLs or generic, unusable domain names. Get something you can actually build on.Sod & Loam™ is a project of Matte Elsbernd © 2011-2012
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