域名年龄: 15年9个月16天HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 访问时间:2014年04月06日 19:34:40 目标网址:http://www.321advisors.com/ 文件大小:304 Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2014年04月06日 19:34:40 接受单位:字节 文件大小:20357 Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html 页面编码:utf-8
Your Consulting Headquarters Advice to the World 321Advisors Energy Trading Offering Commercial Services 321Advisors Hedge Fund 321ADVISORS Inc. is a consulting group made up of experts in the fields of finance, physical energy and commodity trading, stock and bond analysis, commercial and resource based funding, business development, and venture capital. We offer solutions to your complex situations. From the desk of the Portfolio Manager Trading Selections for March 12, 2014 NYSE 52 WEEK NEW HIGH/LOW INDICATOR 10/25 BUY/SELL MARKET SIGNAL INDICATOR 38/42 MARKET CONDITION Slightly bullish and weaking quickly. Only trade with Stops. Current Stock Selections Symbol BUY Stop SELL Stop Target VLO 53.86 52.66 67 PAY 30.08 28.97 59.50 MPC 91.74 89.77 110 Our Professional Consulting Services Include: Hedge Fund Opportunities Commodity/Energy Trading Commercial/Resource Based Funding Joint Venture Funding It is important to adhere to the technical buy and sell stops on the recommendations. These technical stop points are ideal entry as well as protection points. Should your Pick of the Day not be profitable in 3 days, you are advised to close the transaction as your capital is too valuable to sit in under performing issues. This 3 day time stop, effectively gives you an additional layer of trading protection. Remember to always keep tightening your protective stops, thereby lowering your risk, especially as your issue becomes profitable. DISCLAIMER: This report is not intended as an offering or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities and futures mentioned. While all information is derived from sources we deem reliable, we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Such information and the opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. 321advisors.com Inc, its officers, stockholders, and employees and their families may have a long or short position in or may at any given time purchase or sell the securities. 321advisors.com Inc 200 Franklin Rd, Suite V - 11 Atlanta, GA 30342 USA Office 404-532-8899 admin@321advisors.com Copyright. www.321advisors.com All rights reserved.
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