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CODBO.NETCall Of Duty: Black Ops FansiteSkip to contentHomeAbout UsHow To Buy The GameNewsletterPhoto Gallery← Older postsWhich Multi-Player Games Rack Up the Most COD PointsPosted on June 11, 2011 by CODBO PosterThough there are lots of ways to earn COD points in Black Ops, there are a few player matches that stand out among the rest. Objective games that can either be prolonged through “advanced” level strategy (though sometimes actual communication is difficult via headset on FPS’s) or those that feature full length overtime are those that come with the best yield. TDM and Free-For-All styles are great but only if you’re the one raking in Hind after Hind. Sabotage and Demolition are the top picks for earning your points no matter what kind of gamer you are.DemolitionThe reason Demolition is the number one game type for earing COD points is because of the overtime and the fact that there are two sites to destroy. In Capture the Flag and other game types, there is either a short “sudden death” overtime or no overtime at all. While Sabotage can be extended if you find cooperative players, Demolition consistently yields higher match points. Objective-based games feature the depth of being able to defuse and plant to earn a smacking 100 points. Often times match leaders not only have high kill/death ratios in their games of Demolition, they also have the most defuses and/ or plants.When aiming to get points in Demolition, remember that you’re both fighting waves of instantly respawning enemies and working to advance on two objectives between your team. Headsets are great if you have a group of friends who’ll all work a strategy. If you don’t have a headset, (or more likely, friends that’ll take CoD seriously enough to formulate strategies via headset) work for the closest objective point first. Take your time advancing and stick around your objective till it’s clear. Plant, defend and if you die, run back. Ideally your defense will give your team mates enough time to cover the spot while you’re running back after respawning.SabotagePeople are bound to argue that Sabotage is as yielding as TDM or Free-For-All. What’s absolutely true is that Sabotage has a fifteen minute time limit versus other games like Demo which start with some time, then either expire or extend given successful demolitions. Though Sabotage can be a quick game if a run and gunner comes from the other team, scoops up the bomb and happens to plow through five to seven people on the way to planting, more often than not, Sabotage can result in major league scores.High Stakes Wager MatchesQuickly and shortly – if you’re the best kind of player, you make money at high stakes wager matches. Game types are random at this level so don’t think if you’re a great Sticks and Stones player that you’ll hold water here. If you go into any scenario in a player match and earn the win and if you wind up with triple digit kills to single digit deaths, stake it on the 10K matches available in th
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