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Dream Satellite China Home Welcome to Dream Satellite China website! December 8, 2007 Uncategorized 14 Comments We are a leading provider of dream satellite tv solutions in mainland China. We are a special division of Pacific Satellite, a leading satellite tv company based in Shanghai. Dream TV is one of the most popular satellite TV packages in mainland China and south east Asia. It originated from the Philippines. It has 40 channels including AXN, Cinemax, HBO, Star Movies, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, Star World, CNBC, Deutsche Welle, ABC, Discovery Channel, Discover T&L, BBC World, Nickelodeon, ESPN Sports, Star Sports, Hallmark Channel, Natural Geographic Channel, ETC, CNN, Animax, MBC Korea etc.We can install dream satellite almost anywhere in mainland China and have tens of happy customers in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Ningbo, Yiwu, Qingdao, Fuzhou, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhuhai etc.There are two options for the dream satellite: -The original box edition: using Cyrstal machines, with a card coupled with the box, it is the legit system that comes from dream in the Philippines and can be used after dream enables its new security systems. The installation cost is RMB4,000. If you already have an existing dish (from a previous pirated system) the cost is lowered to RMB3,500. -The network option, using the dreambox DM500 and requiring connection to a LAN, adds to dream over 100 different channels from four additional satellite packages, most of them from Hong Kong and Taiwan. The cost of installation is RMB2,000. Please note that these prices are for Shanghai only and additional charges may apply (usually 200~500) for installation in other cities. It includes installation, the equipment (satellite dish, satellite receiver/decoder, card) and the warranty. For new installations of dream satellite tv, purchase of new subscriptions and more, make sure to contact us, by sending an email to info@dreamsatellite.net or sales@pacificsat.cn . Your can also check our other sites from the sidebar, for details about other satellite packages available from our organization.Pacific Satellite, Shanghai Categories Uncategorized Calendar July 2013 M T W T F S S « Dec 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 Last Posts Welcome to Dream Satellite China website! Our Sites China Satellite Forums China Satellite TV Pacific Satellite (Chinese) Shanghai TV Copyright © Dream Satellite China Design by Robbie Williams WP Themes & ND83
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