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Subscribe to RSSfabric and fabric designApparel fabrics business23.06.2013Identification of fabric propertiesposted by wanjinyanin UncategorizedNo CommentsCorrectly analyze and accurately identify reasonable performance fabrics used in clothing design is every designer need to master the basics, or fabrics recognition errors may result in the entire section of clothing design, production, wearing or washing part of the problem. Identification of apparel fabrics apparel fabrics including raw materials identification, recognition, and appearance quality appearance characteristics recognition. Fabrics should not only visual observation identification, and use hearing, touch and even smell. Such as the use of the visual effect of watching eyes shiny fabric shade, staining, surface thickness and tissue, the appearance of lines and fiber characteristics, such as cotton cloth ordinary meat good gloss, appearance is not detailed enough clean, rough and even neps impurities, wool and shiny polyester blended woolen lighter, have a sense of flash color, slightly moving body bone loss of soft and hard, and with the increasing content of polyester was prominent. The lack of a sense of gentle soft, fabric stiff. Flat, smooth; using hand haptic effects can feel hard and soft fabrics and fibers, smooth, thickness, elasticity, air, etc., can also be measured by hand fiber yarn strength and elongation.Different fabrics have different permeability, moisture absorption, thermal resistance and other properties, such as cotton fabric has good air permeability and moisture absorption, comfortable, warm and good, is the best children’s wear fabrics. Choose fabric when you want to confirm fabric breathability, insulation, moisture absorption, electrostatic and other performance characteristics, and then against the fabric stiff resistance, sense of weight, softness and drape to consider it for what kind of shape, what to do kind of style and so on.23.06.2013Common characteristics of fabric were to make some briefposted by wanjinyanin UncategorizedNo Comments1, cottonIs all kinds of cotton textiles in general. It is usually used to make fashion, casual wear, underwear and shirts. It has the advantage of easy warm, soft skin, moisture absorption, air permeability is very good. Its disadvantage is easy to shrink, easy to fold, not crisp and beautiful appearance, when worn, must always ironing.2, linenIs hemp, flax, ramie, jute, sisal, abaca hemp and other plant fibers made of a fabric. Are generally used to make casual wear, work wear, produced more than its normal summer. Its advantage is high strength, moisture absorption, thermal conductivity, permeability is very good. Its disadvantage is wearing not very comfortable, look more rough, blunt.3, silkTextile silk as raw material is made of a variety of silk fabrics collectively. And cotton, as it has many varieties and different personality. It can be used to produce a variety of clothing, especially suitable for mak
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