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MenuSkip to contentHomeAboutContact UsA Celebrity Plastic Surgery Profile Of Heidi MontagPosted on July 29, 2014August 26, 2014 by 2000 WaysThe Hills reality show personality Heidi Montag has been nipped, tucked, inflated, and reduced into a new face and body. Among the procedures in her plastic surgery profile are a rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and chin reduction just to name a few. Heidi is the prime example of how plastic surgery can quickly go too far for an average girl suddenly thrown into the media spotlight.Heidi has always had the cute girl-next-door look with her fresh blonde locks and light eyes. She revealed on the show a feeling of insecurity about her large nose and small breasts that made her want to undergo cosmetic surgery. It would be a couple of seasons later that she finally made the commitment and ended up looking like a new woman. Long blonde hair extensions were the icing on the cake of Heidi’s transformation that included 10 plastic surgery procedures all in one day. “Surgeons typically prefer to do multiple procedures at one time to minimize recovery time,” said Doctor Jason Hope (http://www.healthgrades.com/physician/dr-jason-hope-xfdb3). “Although 10 is an unusually large number, it is certainly not unheard of.”Rhinoplasty, lip fillers, cheek fillers, Botox, a brow lift, breast augmentation, liposuction, chin reduction, buttock enhancement, and ear pinning complete the entire list of procedures done on Heidi. Due to the large number of facial procedures done at once, her face appeared stiff and frozen for around a year until eventually softening to a less plastic look. In this time the fillers had a chance to wear away to give her less of an over-the-top feature enhancement.Most patients that go overboard with a transformation end up unhappy being unable to recognize themselves looking in a mirror. The main features that caused Heidi such unhappiness were corrected at the cost of going so far that she ended up regretting choosing surgery in the first place. It turns out that not only was she unhappy with the appearance, the implants caused excruciating neck and back pain caused by the increased weight pinned to her chest. Numbness in her arms and constant pain made it impossible to do simple tasks, such as cleaning up around the house. Her doll-like large F cup breasts were eventually revised to a more manageable and fitting C cup.Years after surgery, Heidi is able to admit that the reason she had so much plastic surgery was the pressure of being photographed and on camera. Normal insecurities were amplified by the constant negativity of others, making her feel that it was the only way to gain confidence. Dr. Frank Ryan convinced young Heidi that all of the surgeries would be an easy way to fix everything, leaving her a physical and mental mess in the aftermath.It is after a long, difficult road that Heidi is encouraging young girls that want surgery to not rush into the decision, and
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