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Boston's Hidden Restaurants Search by CuisineSearch by RegionSearch by CostFeaturesPhotosBlogAboutHome Facebook Twitter Google+ Boston Restaurant Talk Welcome to Boston's Hidden Restaurants! A unique Boston restaurant guide. Boston is a city with all kinds of restaurants, including some truly world-class spots as well as cheap eats places that are popular with college students and those on a budget. Visitors and business people alike have their choice of popular Boston restaurants in areas of the city such as the narrow alleys of the North End, the bustling avenues of the Back Bay, and the quirky neighborhoods of Allston and Jamaica Plain. From upscale and high-end places in and around Boston such as Menton, Clio, Sorellina, and o ya to casual and inexpensive restaurants such as Santarpio's Pizza, Kelly's Roast Beef, Regina's, and Mr. Bartley's Burger Cottage, Beantown seems to have a restaurant for just about everyone. For those of you who are willing to search just a little bit, however, there are also many little-known restaurants in the Boston area and the rest of New England that are just waiting to be found. This is where the Boston's Hidden Restaurants website comes into play; within this site are hundreds of terrific Boston-area and New England restaurants that are frequented mainly by locals (for example, Alia Ristorante in Winthrop and the Centre Street Cafe in Jamaica Plain), as well as places that even many locals don't know about (for instance, Louis in Quincy and the Dudley Chateau in Wayland). Typically, a review of a new restaurant is posted every week or two (please check out the blue box above), with the main focus being on Boston-area restaurants, though occasionally we do review dining spots elsewhere in Massachusetts and the rest of New England if they tend to be particularly special places. Tired of crowds at your favorite restaurant in Boston, Cambridge, or Providence? Frustrated by having to make reservations days in advance of a meal? If so, then come in to our restaurant site and learn about some terrific little-known dining places in the Boston and New England area. These restaurants may be off the beaten track, but they are worth checking out! Sign up to be on our newsletter list! NOTE: We will never sell your personal information! Go to privacy policy link below. QUICK LINKS: • Click here to follow Boston's Hidden Restaurants on Twitter. • Become a become a fan of Boston's Hidden Restaurants on Facebook. • Get our latest reviews, blogs, questions and answers, and more continuously from this page. • For the latest news on Boston restaurants, go to Boston Restaurant Talk, a blog affiliated with this site. • Going on vacation soon? Jump to Travel Guide of America, our sister site! • Please go to our charities, nonprofits, and foundations links page. • View our Technorati Profile. • Our RSS Feeds: What is RSS? Boston Restaurant Blog feed Viewers' Favorites feed Questions a
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