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    • KahnHome Family Home Page 
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    • A family website for the children of Harry and Frances Kahn and their extended families 
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    抓取时间:2015年08月01日 04:04:52
    标题:KahnHome Family Home Page
    关键字:Kahn, Family, Tatge, geneology
    描述:A family website for the children of Harry and Frances Kahn and their extended families
    Welcometo Kahnhomeafamily website for the children of Harry and Frances Kahn, and theirextendedfamiliesSharon'sPersonalPageTatgeFamilyToonervilleVintage ComicsFrances Benson & Harry Kahn  on their wedding day, Feb 5, 1948  Frances wore her grandmother's  wedding dress. FamilyHistory Sharon'sPhoto Gallery Magic LanternLight Show All contact information has been moved toprivate page. If you are a family member, click on padlock icon at thetop of the page, and log in as kahnfamily, using secret password. Ifyou don't know the password, email me: sharon@ kahnhome dot orgOld Picsmodern picsKahn Family AlbumOma CollageLargeImageswebmailbuild-a-pageAdminPassword-protectedSharonSandyRichBrianDanFAMILY NEWS - updated  June 11, 20096/11/2009The memorial service wasbeautiful. It was very moving to see all the distant relatives that wesee all too seldom and revisit this side of our family history. I'vebeen intending to post pictures from the memorial for a year now, butstill haven't done it. However, Brian and Dan posted some wonderfulpics on Photobucketmany moons ago. Just checked - they're stillthere!  Password frances.5/26/2008We have finally settled ona date for a memorial service: July 26. The service will be in the townof Nehawka, Nebraska at 10am. The service at the Methodist church willbe followed by a brief graveside ceremony at the family plot in thenearby cemetery.  Watch this page for more details. p.s. if you're wondering why the family plot is in Nehawka, take a lookat the family history (thesections about Grandpa Rough).5/7/2008Frances Kahn, our belovedOma, passed away today. She was 86 years old. She died peacefully inher own home, with her sister Beth holding her hand. Beth has writtenup an obituary for her, which is here.  I am gathering pictures for a photo collage. Youcansee the ones I have already by following the link further up on thispage. I hope people will send me some more.4/4/2008It's been a long timesince I have updated this page. As most people likely to be visitingthis page probably know, Oma's cancer returned, 5 years after surgery.She kept it at bay for another vigorous year through 4 different typesof chemotherapy. But eventually the chemo failed, and she is now inhospice care at her Sedona home. Her beloved sister Beth is caring forher as she approaches her final days. She has had many visits fromfamily in the past year and has enjoyed every one of them, as she hasalways enjoyed life. She is growing weaker by the day now, but stillenjoys phone calls from friends and family.5/18/2006Oma sent her first emailtoday! She bought a computer while Sharon and Richard were visiting,and finally got her Internet connection put in today. Her email addressis on the protected page, along with updated family contact info. Clickon the padlock above. If you don't know the password, email me.5/6-13/2006Sharon and Richard justback from visiting Oma in Sedona. We hiked around the beautiful redrock canyons, visited magical vortexes, and swam 

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