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kalalouABOUTour storyour teamdskftheOutletpressCOLLECTIONSbotanicacoastal furniture garden holiday lighting room wall recycled BLOG CONTACT orders catalog request contact us calendar SHOP → ABOUT/our storyour teamdskftheOutletpress COLLECTIONS/botanicacoastalfurnituregardenholidaylightingroomwallrecycled BLOG/ CONTACT/orderscatalog requestcontact uscalendar SHOP →/ HOME ABOUT/our storyour teamdskftheOutletpress COLLECTIONS/botanicacoastalfurnituregardenholidaylightingroomwallrecycled BLOG/ CONTACT/orderscatalog requestcontact uscalendar SHOP →/ K ALALOU is a leading designer and supplier of the most unique, fun, and fascinating products to be found in the home accents, garden decor, and gift arenas. For nearly 30 years we have traveled the lesser known corners of the world in an effort to bring to market "that look"... our look... the look that has blazed a path in our industry and not only weathered, but triumphed with incredible growth over the worst economy in our lifetime! We invite you now to please review the largest and most exciting offering in our company's history. We really think you'll be glad that you did! And as you learn more about our staff & detailed service, commitment to working with recycled/sustainable materials, and dedication to improving the lives of those within the regions we travel and work, we hope you'll see that we truly do aim to be your most exciting and responsible vendor! Request a catalogShop over 600 new products! From marquee lighting to ceramics and coastal to holiday, kalalou wants to help you have the right product, at the right price, at the right time and in the right place in your store. REQUEST A CATALOG > shop.kalalou.comVisit shop.kalalou.com to place an order online. Enjoy the most up-to-date information on pricing, availibility, and promotions as well as One-of-a-Kind products that are not featured in our catalog or showroom. SHOP ONLINE > market scheduleATLANTA AmericasMart, Building 2, #1022 DALLAS DMC TradeMart, #2010 VEGAS Las Vegas Market, Building C, #604 HIGH POINT Suites at Market Square, #M2003 view our MARKET SCHEDULE > MEET THE TEAMFrom Sales and Design to Warehouse and Customer Service, Kalalou's team is the best in the business! We love what we do and hope it shows in our products and commitment to you, our customer. MEET OUR TEAM > kala-newsKalalou wants to keep you in the loop! Follow our blog and find us on facebook, twitter, instagram, and LinkedIn to be the first to know about market events, promotions, staff picks, store profiles, and more! follow our BLOG > DOUG & SUSAN'S KIDS FOUNDATION We started DSKF 25 years ago in order to help children that are less fortunate globally. The funds help provide medical care, education, food and shelter for children in Haiti, Colombia, and Honduras... Learn more about DSKF > KALALOU'S MISSION: TO PROFESSIONALLY SERVE OUR CUSTOMER'S NEEDS & MAXIMIZE THEIR PROFITS THROUGH INVESTMENTS IN KALALOU PRODUCTS. To
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