域名年龄: 26年4个月5天HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 服务器:nginx/1.10.1 访问时间:2016年12月10日 12:46:21 类型:text/html 文件大小:185 连接:keep-alive 目标网址: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 类型:text/html 服务器:Microsoft-IIS/7.5 语言环境:PHP/5.3.24 语言环境:ASP.NET 访问时间:2016年12月10日 12:46:21 文件大小:26104 页面编码:windows-1252
Staff E-mailBreitung Township Schools Home PageANNOUNCEMENTS!!Job OpportunitiesJoin us on FaceBookNewly Updated on YouTube!KHS Sports Sponsors2016-17 Kingsford High School Athletic Sponsors Proceeds help fund all of our athletic programs. We appreciate your support! Click any image above to see larger gallery!BTS Google MapView Larger MapPertussis UpdateSystems Controls Job Opportunities2016 Community Schools Summer ProgramMission Statement:The mission of Breitung Township Schools, in cooperation with families and our community, is to provide a quality educational experience to assist all students in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become successful citizens.Woodland Child CareKingsford High School Kingsford Middle School Woodland Elementary School Athletic Department Food Service Free/Reduced Meal Application Web Portal 2016 Veteran's Day Program Thank You Breitung Township Schools would like to thank all students, faculty, administration, and the public for making this years Veteran's Day Program a huge success. We would especially like to thank guest speaker and BTS teacher Mr. John VanDusen for his wonderful presentation. A special thanks goes to the UP Dance Academy for providing a beautiful dance presentation in honor of our veterans. Thanks also goes out to the KHS Music Department for providing beautiful instrumental and vocal arrangements for the assembly. As always, we thank the Kingsford American Legion Carpenter Clash Post #363 and the Sons of the American Legion Color Guard for their participation and the presenting of our nations Colors. Breakfast Is Served MAKE BREAKFAST THE FIRST COURSE OF YOUR DAY! DID YOU KNOW?? Your child can eat breakfast every morning at school. Breakfast is served in all of the Breitung Township Schools buildings Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM until 8:00 AM. Students can purchase breakfast for $1.25; if your child qualifies for free or reduced lunch; he/she also qualifies for free or reduced breakfast. Reduced breakfast is 30 cents. There is a variety of items offered so your child is sure to find items he/she will enjoy. Here are some reasons to eat in the AM: Start the day right. Easting in the morning is the easiest and tastiest way to energize your day and to reduce your stress level before it gets started. Change your family’s attitude. It’s a fact; eating breakfast makes kids more positive, less irritable, and more fun to be around. All morning long! Improve kid’s performance at school. Breakfast is the quickest and tastiest way to help kids do better on special tests and everyday classroom work. Improve your performance at work. Breakfast works for you too. It can help you concentrate on your work, boost your morale, and do a better job. Get the nutrients your body needs. Breakfast eaters get more vitamins and minerals-nutrients you need to fight infections and stay healthy. BTS Faculty and StaffBegin the 2016-17 School Year Breitung Township Schools facult
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