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I have been a magazine writer for more than 20 years and I have a wall of bows that manufacturers have sent out (free) for years. Every hunter that has picked up my Liberty bow and shot it, saw an instant improvement on their arrow group size. Always smaller! I would recommend the Liberty One bow over anything else on the market. Period! Very fast shooting, quiet (very), comfortable- no hand shock shooting. Nice flat arrow flight and tight groups. Get past the obvious shock of how tiny the bow looks, and it is certainly the heart of a killing beast. Need any further recommendation than that? Here it is--- an Outdoor Writer spent money out of his own pocket to buy one----whoooooooaaaa- now that is shocking.Frank Medicine Wolf Springer (Outdoor Writer) Worlds smallest bow US Patent No. 6,371,098 FAST - IBO 308, 338* fps (Note: light arrows)FULL DRAW Holding is 9 lbs@ 65 lb bow (85% Let-Off)ACCURATE - See Las Vegas winner Quote.CUSTOMIZED to individual, 234 combinationsSMALLEST Compound Bow in the WorldWEIGHT 2.3 lbs, Axle to axle 20.5" - Lightest No Hand Shock or Kick No returns in the last 12 months on our 20 day trial * Using 4 gr/lb arrows allowed under warranty. Shoot for 20 days before you decide to buy. See OrderForm or Call: (408) 983-1127 Dave Barnsdale, Winner of 2005 Vegas Tournament, " I shot a perfect 300 NAFF round (on Liberty I bow)”, “will be hunting this fall with a Liberty” Ready to shootpackage deal is $896. Includes all accessories, case, bow tool & 20 day trial. Bow only, is $758 New Video Bear Hunt Howard Winther Click to read Article Bowhunt America's 2010 Compound Bow Review Bow and Arrow HuntingCompound Bow Review We made the cover of AFRICA'S BOWHUNTER View Report Dear Howard, After adjusting the peep I start now to comprehend what an incredible machine this bow is! I never had a bow in my life or any archery training but after shooting 40 odd arrows over 2 days with the bow as it comes out of the box, some arrows hit almost the same hole on 15 meters. Claus-Peter It is absolutely Beautiful!I get many comments that say my website does not do justice to the beauty of the bow. Next Page The Liberty I bow honored again. We took the Bronze. email: Ask for a ACTUAL SIZE picture of of the bow. Email your address. READ my opinion on arrows Bow is available without the quiver mount for those like myself who prefer a back quiver and a lighter bow. Check out the videos.Review VideoBear Hunt video Sitting blind video High speed video
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