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PecanTree.netPecan tree nuts were highly regarded by Native Americans not only because of taste but because they were nutritious, stored well, easy to carry around, and had a high protein value. Parts of the Pecan Tree were also used to make Dyes and oils. Pecan Tree wood produces tremendous heat for keeping warm, the Pecan wood is known for it's strength and fashioned into fine furniture. Thomas Jefferson sent George Washington pecan nuts to plant. Those Pecan trees are the oldest living trees at Mount Vernon. The wonderful flavor of the Pecan nut has made many happy family traditions of cooking with Pecan Nuts and has been well known for 500 years. Make Pecan Clusters or Pecan Pie to serve guests that stop in for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Make Praline Pecans for a great snack. Start your own Pecan Nut holiday traditions from the great Pecan recipes you'll find here at the Pecan Tree.links open new windowPecan Pie recipesClassic pecan pie with variations!!!!! This is well worth your time to check out the way to change the basic recipe in order to make all the different dishes. Pecan-Pie cheesecake, pecan pie baked inside a cheesecake. Directions and recipe.Really easy to make chocolate pecan pie.Pecan Pie Cake50 different ways to use pecans in recipes. In potato soup, wild rice soup, Number 38 is a meatless loaf, meat loaf made out of ground pecans instead of beef... you can add pecans to almost any kind of dish that you serve from breakfast until late night dinner... 50 great ideas to enhance your cooking and keep healthy with pecans.Pecan squares Pecan cookies, cocoons, pecan puffs, pecan dreamsChocolate caramel pecan cheesecakePecan Turtle CandyPecan Icebox Cookies, Butter Pecan, Pecan cookies. Fudgey Pecan Brownies with Chocolate Pecan FrostingRecipe links, conversion calculators, cooking tips, consumer info, food facts a wealth of links to great information on this site.5 very good pecan pie recipes, no syrup pecan pie. Pecan pie with syrup, brown sugar. 149 pecan recipes from all recipesPecans and Pecan tree informationPicture of a pecan tree branch, showing good outline of the leaves and their parts as well as their branch placement.Pecan leaf picture.Carya pecan, picture of pecan tree bark click to enlarge. more information characteristics, classification, plant guide Images of pecan branches and leaves. . USDASearch plants database by state. Advice on home fruit production, buying trees.The Pecan Tree is one of the most valuable North American nut producing trees. The common Pecan Tree, Carya illinoensis is a member of the hickory genus, Carya, of the wal-nut family. The natural range of the pecan tree is from southern Iowa and central Indiana southward almost to the Gulf of Mexico and southwestward to Texas and Mexico. It's range has been greatly extended by cultivation, and it is now grown on the Atlantic Coast and in California.Mature pecan trees are usually 70 to 80 feet tall, but trees have been known to grow to 170 f
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