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Picket Fence Kennels . . . Pick a Picket Puppy! Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. Click Below for puppies for sale! Bichon Frise Papillon Shih Tzu Please call us at 712-359-2851 or 515-351-1548 or email us at picketfenceken@hotmail.com Picket Fence Kennels is experienced in shipping puppies all across North America. Want your puppy shipped overseas? Just let us know - we are now shipping internationally. Adults & Rescue Select Adults and Older Puppies of various breeds available for sale now. Breeding groups may also be available from time to time. Please call for information. Designer Puppies Teddy Bears Teddy Bears are a cross between Shih Tzu and Bichon. They are loveable, huggable cuties that love to play and romp. They do well with other dogs and are perfect family pets. They are hypo allergenic and no shed. Poochon Poochon are a cross between a Poodle and Bichon. They are laidback, funny and friendly lap-nappers. They thrive with children and the over sixty crowd. They are a good choice for a first time dog owner. They are hypo-allergenic and no shed. ShihPoo ShihPoo are a cross between Shih Tzu and Poodles. They are friendly, playful and energetic. They make the perfect family pet. They are smart and easily trained. They are hypo-allergenic and no shed. We are experienced shipping puppies throughout the United States. Now shipping to Canada Puppies The Puppies have been born! Bichon Frise, Shih Tzu, Shipoo, Poochons and Papillons Experienced shipping puppies throughout the United States. Home | Puppies for Sale | Integrity | FAQs | Testimonials | View all Videos | Recommendations | Contact Us Picket Fence Kennels 61182 - 270th Avenue Palmer, IA 50571 712-359-2851 picketfenceken@hotmail.com CarpeDiemiContent.com
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