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Cold Sores TreatmentBest Treatment To Defeat The HerpesHomeVirusHerpesHerbalOutbreaksAll-NaturalSearchEach Individual Has Different Causes Of Cold Sores OutbreaksPosted on July 18, 2013 by AdminEach person may have different causes of outbreaks and its existence of this disease. Understanding the causes for you can be considered as one of the Cold Sore Remedies. To help you understand the causes and let me elaborate some of the common pointed out causes of fever blister outbreaks. These are the causes include stress, too much exposure in the wind, direct exposure to the sun, the food you intake which has Argentine such as nuts, peas, chocolates, and all dairy products. And also sharing of personal stuff like towels, toothbrush, cup, and lipstick, after you overcome this disease you must change your personal things like toothbrush.for more information visit www.fenvir.com/ If you identified one mention above as common reason for this illness and its repeated existence for you therefore be aware with it and simply do some means to avoid it. Say for instance, you identified direct exposure to sun and excessively exposure to wind as a cause for you, simply avoid or minimize your exposure to prevent the outbreak. If you are encounter stress, this is considered as one of the most common cause of the outbreak and it is normal to anyone, avoid it by means you need stress reduction activities and relaxation. If due to other illnesses the best thing to do is to boost your immune system. And if arginine rich food causes your problem just simply avoid it. No need to mention of the remaining items. Posted in Outbreaks | Leave a comment Herpes Treatment Herbal Alternatives That Work Posted on July 17, 2013 by Admin Herpes goes back to the time of Hippocrates. However, it did not reach widespread proportions until the sexual revolution until the 1960’s. It has been reported that 20% of Americans aged 12 and below have confirmed cases of herpes. This is a 30% increase since the 1970’s and is equal to 45 million infected Americans. Because there are so many of us in the US who are infected, there is a greater demand to properly manage this disease. Instead of harsh prescription medications, there are other alternatives that you can take for its prevention and control of the disease. The two types of herpes simplex virus is Type I and Type II. HSV I is sometimes called herpes labialis and is the type of infection that takes place above the waistline (like cold sores on certain parts of the face). When the virus is active, it sends signals to the targeted body part. The signals (prodomes) that come with a herpes episode usually include itching stinging and tingling feelings along specific parts of the body in which the cold sores will take place. Scientists have not yet been able to figure out the process that occurs within the body prior to herpes outbreaks. However, there are certain internal and external processes and factors that tend to trigger the herpes v
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