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Home About Us What We Do How To Volunteer Calendar Resources Get Involved Community Council Join/Donate How To Volunteer Contact Us Latest News Sponsors Check out our fabulous sponsors below! Tweedy & Popp Patty Allen Dunn Lumber Seattle City Living Wallingford Journal Seattle Orthopedic Center Key Bank We Are The Wallingford Neighborhood Association You may have noticed that we have changed our name from “Neighborhood Office” to “Neighborhood Association”. Why? For several reasons: Because what we do is way more than maintain the office on Meridian behind Tully’s. We provide a centrally located physical space where residents can convene formally or informally. We manage the Wallingford.org website and the information kiosk. We remove graffiti (when you tell us about it), help maintain the curb bulb gardens, and provide the bi-weekly Wallingford Enews which has about 1000 subscribers. We manage and create events to bring residents together. Currently these are Spring Clean, the Garden Tour, the Kiddies Parade, the Family Festival, and the Home Tour. We provide office support to the Community Council and the Chamber of Commerce by providing them with an address, a phone number, a person to answer the phone, a place for their Boards’ to meet, storage, technology and office supplies. We are a valuable information and referral source, help new residents who stop in the office get connected, help people solve ordinary problems related to city services, and We are here as needed for YOU. Our Mission Statement is: We are committed to building a strong, vibrant and sustainable community by fostering neighborhood participation, communication, imagination, and collaboration. Our Vision is that Wallingford be a place where: Neighbors are encouraged to know one another, celebrate together and welcome residents of all ages, incomes, and cultures; People value the safety and education of children, feel safe and comfortable walking, riding a bike, using public transportation or driving, and enjoy streets that are pleasant public spaces; and Citizens practice responsible stewardship of the architectural, cultural, and natural environment so that everyone may enjoy the green spaces, intimate scale, and historic character of the neighborhood, and make decisions about the future of our community together. But who pays the expenses for all this? You do. Not the City government, but the residents of our community. You are the incredible and generous people who provide the volunteer hours and donations that keep us up and running. That is why we have a fundraising process every year. We need your support to continue with accomplishing these things. You can go to our website and donate or you can mail in a donation to: 2100 N. 45th St., Seattle, WA 98103. Or you can wander by and drop off a donation at the office. We thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Wallingford. Recent Posts 30 April 2012 : Applicatio
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2025-01-04 06:23, Process in 0.0101 second.