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    获取时间: 2013年09月11日 20:41:58
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    抓取时间:2014年04月04日 19:46:00
    标题:Wizard Replica – Magical Prices For Stunning Replica Designe
    关键字, WizardReplica, Wizard Replica
    描述:Wizard Replica – Replica Designer Handbags, Watches & More! - WizardReplica
    Wizard Replica
    Wizard Replica
    Wizard Replica Simply Isn't As Magical As Touch Bags
    If you need the best online shopping portal for replica designer goods then you really should be looking at Wizard Replica and Touch Bags. They are undoubtedly among the best online shops in the industry. WizardReplica and Touch Bags have been at the top for quite a while so I'll try and separate them into which one is best to buy from. The first thing I look at is whether Wizard Replica or Touch Bags have the required amount of products and second is usually their customer service. So which of these sitescome out as winners in this competition? The answer awaits which one of Touch Bags or WizardReplica is the better site!
    Production queues and Wizard Replica
    I'll be honest, I hate queues. Well... it would be fair to say that I hate all queues except the queues that are formed by lots of products on store shelves (or in the album of an online shopping site as it were). This is where a long queue is not only good – it's absolutely great! Now the great news is that both these sites have great collections of goods. Not only can you find the latest collections, but classic designs as well. However, Wizard Replica does not have the diversity of products that Touch Bags offers – at least in designer houses. Touch Bags has many more products from a wider variety of designers than WizardReplica and they get new stock quicker than anyone else in the market. This qualifies as a win for Touch Bags in my book – but it is a close contest.
    Service needed!
    When I look at a site – the main thing that stands out is how they showcase their customer support options. If I have to look all over the website for their email and/or LiveHelp bar then I'm already in a bad mood. does a lot of things right, but their support is just not up to par. They do have a form of LiveHelp (if you can call using MSN as a support tool "livehelp") but it is not exactly something that inspires confidence. Wizard Replica also lack any sort of telephonic functionality and display their proper email (sales@ WizardReplica ) alongside their gmail address. The little things matter and to be honest, it's difficult to trust a site that provides these types of goods when they are lacking in this department. I'm going to pick Touch Bags every time – that is until the competition sort out their customer support issues.
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