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WORLD NATURAL HEALTH ORGANIZATIONMENUGeorge Orwell 1984[1956 Hollywood Release][YouTube video]1984 The Movie[1984 Color Version][YouTube video]HomeWNHO MembershipsText LinksBanner LinksAnnouncementsThe Global Warming HoaxNatural Health NewsYOUR Personal Freedoms And RightsAlzheimer's DiseaseAspartame Cancer Chiropractic Computer Information Diabetes Environment Exercise Fluoride Gardening and Plants Genetically Modified / Engineered Health Freedom Healthy Recipes Heart Disease Herbs, Vitamins, and Supplements Homeschooling Hypertension Important Recalls Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Pets Pro-Family and Pro-Marriage Pro-Life Self Sufficiency Things For Free Vaccinations Veterans Weight Loss Articles Index Programs and Services WNHO Certifications WNHO Endorsements WNHO Awards Recommended Christian Reading Recommended Health Reading Ministerial Credentials History of the WNHO About Dr. Dussault Our Legal Documents Governing Boards Link To Us Awards This Site Has Won Web Rings Contact Information Guestbook Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. Acts 5:29, KJV Those who attack and hate the Word of God do so because they fear God's Holy Word! Welcome to the official home page of the World Natural Health Organization. The World Natural Health Organization was founded in 1983 by the late Bishop Dr. James A.L. Dussault. This web site has been established with the permission and the blessings of the Dussault Family. The World Natural Health Organization was established to unite the world in truth concerning natural health care. The World Natural Health Organization educates the world concerning medicine, nature and natural, alternative health care modalities. The World Natural Health Organization was further established in order to unify all natural health care modalities, institutions of higher learning, clinics, hospitals, manufacturers of natural herbal formulas, healthy restaurants and other institutions that take the public health seriously. Our mission is to unite all natural health care groups against the attack of government officials and special interest groups that want to eliminate the natural health care system, institutions of higher learning, the manufacturing of natural herbal products, and natural health care laboratories around the world. There are many times when the public is given false and misleading information about educational institutions, new pharmaceutical drugs, medical procedures, present hazardous drugs, natural cures that don't work, poisons in food and water supply, and dangerous insecticide spraying. The only way the international public and the natural health care industry can survive these attacks is to unite. We will inform our members of any new legislation that is being introduced that will infringe upon the people's right to choose natural alternatives to regain optimum health. We will also inform the international public about political government leaders that are
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