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View our BlogAccessWired, wireless, electronic strike, magnetic and more!LaundrySo simple ... your students will love doing their laundry!Access & SecurityIdentification CardsFinancialDiningBookstore & LibraryActivities & Event ManagementMobile ApplicationsCampus Print & Copy ManagementParkingmAuthenticateOneCard Mobile AdminStudent ApplicationsAdministrative ApplicationsOneCardSelectSMFully configurable card and contactless solution across your entire campus.OneCard MobileParatureCheckINDiningProvide flexibility for your students and staff.EventsComplete box office online or mobile!BookstoreSeamless convenience for students, faculty and staff.ClassroomTake security to the next level on your campus.Mobile AppsAchieve a cardless campus with our leading mobile apps.ParkingTrack, manage and speed through the parking process.TheatreKeep your theater ticket process running smoothly.LibraryOffer easy resource check-out and check-in.SecurityKeep your campus safe and improve efficiency.VendingPut those coins away for cashless vending!Campus Card SolutionsSimplify student life with intelligent campus ID cards from Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI. OneCardSelectSM provides students with a complete campus ID system that provides an all-in-one solution from building access to dining to activities and so much more.Access and SecurityKeep your campus safer and improve the efficiency of your safety department with Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI's OneCard Access and Security System. Only students, faculty, staff and registered guests will have access to residence halls, classrooms, labs and other secure areas using their OneCard or contactless tag. By integrating the OneCard system with your current security program, you can improve safety for your students, faculty, staff and facilities — and know when help is needed.Activities & Event ManagementKeep your activities and events running efficiently and manage your recreation facilities easily with Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI's Campus OneCard Activities and Events Management System. Activities and Events Management allows you to control who has access to events and facilities, reserve and rent equipment, define and control memberships, manage who can utilize various campus services, run campus voting and sell tickets to events.Bookstore Payments & Library ManagementAccept your campus card as a form of payment in your bookstore or library with the Campus OneCard System. Centralize bookstore payment processing using Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI's OneCard. Provide convenience for your students, faculty and staff and avoid fees associated with traditional credit/debit card sales. Campus Print & Copy Management Minimize print and copy management costs with Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI’s Campus OneCard System. OneCard users can pay for on-campus printing, computer stations and other services without the hassle of searching for coins, or using a secondary c
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2025-01-09 21:51, Process in 0.0086 second.