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Call: (904) 641-2655(904) 641-2655(904) 641-2655WelcomeOur PracticeMeet The DoctorMeet The TeamProceduresCleanings & PreventionSimple Tooth ExtractionsCephalometric X-raysDental Exams & CleaningsDigital X-RaysFluoride Treatmenti-CAT® 3D ImagingOral Cancer ExamOral Hygiene AidsPanoramic X-raysSealantsVELscope® Oral Cancer ScreeningCosmetic DentistryOpalescence® Teeth WhiteningBondingCEREC®Composite FillingsDental ImplantsPorcelain Crowns (Caps)Porcelain Fixed BridgesPorcelain InlaysPorcelain OnlaysPorcelain VeneersTeeth WhiteningPeriodontal DiseaseWhat is Periodontal (Gum) Disease?DiagnosisTreatmentMaintenanceSigns & Symptoms of Periodontal DiseaseMouth - Body ConnectionPeriodontal Disease and DiabetesPeriodontal Disease, Heart Disease and StrokeRestorationsStraumann® ImplantsComposite FillingsCrowns (Caps)Dental ImplantsDentures & Partial DenturesInlay RestorationsOnlay RestorationsRoot Canal TherapyOrthodonticsWhat is a Malocclusion?Invisalign®Why Straighten Teeth?Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryTooth ExtractionsSimple Tooth ExtractionsBone GraftingDental ImplantsSleep ApneaSleep Apnea AppliancesPeriodonticsBone GraftingBruxismOral Cancer ExamPeriodontal Scaling & Root PlaningPocket IrrigationProphylaxis (Teeth Cleaning)EndodonticsCracked ToothRoot Canal TherapySedation DentistryDental EmergenciesProsthodonticsCrowns (Caps)Dentures & Partial DenturesFixed BridgesPorcelain VeneersPediatric DentistryCare for Your Child’s TeethDental EmergenciesDental Radiographs (X-Rays)Eruption of Your Child’s TeethFirst Visit Fluoride Good Diet How Often Should Children Have Dental Checkups? How to Prevent Cavities Mouth Guards Pacifiers and Thumb Sucking Sealing Out Tooth Decay What’s the Best Toothpaste for My Child? When Should Children Have Their First Dental Visit? Why Are Primary Teeth Important? Surgical Instructions After Dental Implant Surgery After Tooth Extractions Patient Information Patient Forms Financing Dental Videos Smile Gallery Cosmetic Dentistry Porcelain Crowns (Caps) Porcelain Fixed Bridges Restorations Crowns (Caps) Dental Implants Dentures & Partial Dentures Other Procedures Fixed Bridges FAQs Patient Reviews Appointment Request Contact Jacksonville Family Dentistry Melissa Nixon, DMD Creating Beautiful Smiles we create beautifulsmiles your smile is oursuccess smile with confidence Welcome to Jacksonville Family DentistryWhen you visit our dental office, your smile is our top priority. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized, quality dental care that you deserve.When you visit our office you will experience all that modern dentistry has to offer, including a comprehensive list of general, restorative and cosmetic dental services to meet the needs of the whole family. Our goal is to assist each patient in achieving and maintaining long term dental health and a beautiful smile. Some of the services we provide include: • Cleanings & Exams• Same Day Cr
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2025-03-28 19:38, Process in 0.0081 second.