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We know you've always wanted a dog, cat, bunny, or other awesome animal. And now's the time friends! We are here to help you get ready for your new family member, as and as soon as you're ready to take the big plunge. Owning an animal is, after all, one of the most gratifying things you can do. It's hard knowing what to do when you're about to adopt. But, we make this process even easier when you adopt with us, because we have trained staff that will go over every possible question or concern you and your family might have on introducing your newest pal to the family. We work hard to care of all of our pets here at the HSMC . But, we can't do it without people like you and your donations of time and money. So, if you ever feel like you want to be a part of our family and help some of the best animals around, check us out. AdoptionServicesAdoptions HOW YOUCAN HELP ADOPTIONFAQ Welcome! Please note this is still a work in progress and there are still many things that need to be done. Thank you for your patience and we hope that when we are finished you will enjoy our site! You can also visit our Facebook page while we are working here to view pictures of our current animals and also to sign up to volunteer. HomeContact UsAdoptionsDonationsSpay/NeuterVolunteerSecond Time Around Store Humane Society of Montgomery County © All rights reservedView on Mobile
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2025-03-02 02:08, Process in 0.0079 second.