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Maarten van Oudenniel - freelance front-end specialistIn order to create the unimaginable through creativity, i have to understand where my clients come from and where they are headed. I believe that within any creative business idea or proposition there is the opportunity to inspire and confirm its potential. This is my perspective.I'm passionate about web standards and semantic lean and meaningful code (xhtml, html(5), css(3), JavaScript, progressive, performance optimalisation) while keeping project boundaries in perspective. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Last assignments:KLM, front-end webdeveloper (web performance, requireJS, mvc, angularJS, Backbone, mocka, maven, cloud, grunt etc) 2012-2015Tele2, UI development for set-top box, based on espial (EPG,VOD,PPV etc) 2010-2011NOS, front-end architect NOS Nieuwe Media 2009-2011Geonovum, dynamic map using OpenLayers for Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, completely 'webrichtlijnen' compliant 2010Essent (energy services): redesign (front-end with WNAS) 2009-2010Theme site Olympic games for NOS and soccer add-onSourcesense, 'webrichtlijnen' Hippo 7 implementation 2010Complete new front-end for NOS from scratch using xhtml,css and jquery 2009-2010NOS (Dutch Broadcasting Foundation) PS3 website (work: front-end) and Yahoo TV widgetANWB route (work: front-end)ANWB (Royal Dutch Touring Club) Hippo 6 CMS implementation (front-end with WNAS) 2007-2009Earlier work and smaller projects on request A firm understanding of the users' needs, behaviour and experience underlies all of what we do. What often begins as a commission for an internet site, grows to include new and innovative products for internet, intranet and extranet or other channels. Maximizing the efficiency and speed of solution development.oudenniel.nlMaastrichtsestraat 38NL-2587 XE Scheveningenthe Netherlands 52.1119312, 4.2958252T: +31(0)6.55.395.792E: info@oudenniel.nlK.v.K. 27182616drs. M. van OudennielMaster in Business Administration - Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam © 1998-2016 oudenniel.nlAll rights reserved.
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