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Sumas Chamber of Commerce | Welcome | | Sumas Businesses | | Contacts / Links | | Community Events | | Starting a Business | A Great Place to Live and Do Business Recreation An incredible and vast array of recreational activities are available right outside your door including: Camping Fishing Hunting Hiking Golfing Bird Watching Horseback Riding & Gaming Snowmobiling Mountain Biking & Cycling Down Hill & Cross Country Skiing Events Enjoy the small town feel of Sumas by attending some of our community events throughout the year.Click Here to learn more about the events listed below: Community Days Last Saturday of June Sumas Park Bull-a-Rama First Saturday in JulyFirst Saturday in SeptemberSumas Rodeo Grounds Sumas Jr. Rodeo Last Weekend in JulySumas Rodeo Grouds Christmas in the park with Santa First Monday in DecemberSumas Park Location 45 minutes to Mt. Baker 35 minutes to Birch Bay 45 minutes to Vancouver, BC 15 minutes to Silver Lake Park 90 minutes to Seattle 5 minutes to Abbotsford, BC 35 minutes to Bellingham Near-By Transportation Centers Vancouver, BCInternational Airport BellinghamInternational Airport Abbotsford, B.C. Airport Bellingham Amtrak Station Alaskan Ferry Terminal Overlooking Sumas Welcome to Sumas Sumas is a warm town nestled in the foothills of Mt. Baker in the fertile Nooksack Valley of Washington State. During the 1800s and early 1900s Sumas was the gateway to Canada, rich in mining and logging industries. Today, Sumas' growing economy has a strong industrial, agricultural and tourism base backed by a thriving international railroad and trucking center. If you'd like to leave a phone message for the Sumas Chamber Board Our phone number is360-988-2028 To reach us fasterplease use the form below to email us First Name Last Name City State Comments Your Phone Number() - Your Email Address 2014 Sumas Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors President: Briana Kelley | Vice President: Rod Fadden | Secretary: Susan McKissick | Treasurer: Tina Vanderpol Email: | Message Phone: 360-988-2028
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2025-03-05 23:03, Process in 0.0055 second.