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The Association Member Services Alma Mater Contact Information Share NEWS ★Congratulations to the winners of the 2010 SUNAAA Award!★The latest issue of SUNAAA Newsletter is now available! 浏览器不支持嵌入式框架,或被配置为不显示嵌入式框架。 Officially established on November 7, 1998, Soochow University North America Alumni Association (SUNAAA) is registered (pending) as a non-profit organization in the State of Texas. To achieve its mission, the Association will organize a series of activities to facilitate information exchanges between its members, and to keep a close contact with Soochow University. Communication between the Association and its members will be conducted primarily in electronic forms, either by posting a message at this web site or by emailing the members on our mailing list, or both. Therefore, it is very important for us to have your up-to-date email addresses. As an organization, we will try hard to hear from and put our messages across to our members in a widest and soonest possible manner. Please send/update your member information via a registration form on the Alumni Directory page. SuDa Alumni Search Engine Newsletter SuDa View News Board Visit SuDa Contact Us Soochow University This website is finally supported by Wang Zhenming
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2025-03-06 20:05, Process in 0.0091 second.