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home wakefield Virtual Location contact Heywood Wakefield Furniture About Heywood Wakefield Art Deco Vintage Chrome Dining Sets Cool Accessories Danish Modern Robsjohn Gibbings Vintage Mahogany Many More Antiques Oak Sets :: Walnut Sets Beautiful Vintage Rattan Very Cool Sofas & Chairs Vintage Textiles Wrought Iron Email Us Site map Woodys has thousands of Antiques available, ranging from Antique Vintage Mahogany, Art Deco, Vintage Chrome Dinnett Sets, Antique Rattan, Wicker, Danish Modern, Beautiful Oak and Walnut Antiques including the popular Heywood Wakefield styles which is all original and not reproductions. Please come in and check out all we have. We are sure you will find something you will fall in love with. We would like to Thank You for Stopping By Woodys' is located in the beautiful city of Orange, CA just north of the traffic circle in Old Town Orange. 169 N. Glassell, Orange, CA, 92866 :: (714) 744-8199 Store Hours Monday -Friday 11:00-5:00 Saturday from 10:30-5:00 Sunday 11:00-4:30 more we carry a hugh selection of Fine antiques Feel free to browse our online store and see if there might be something here for you. You can always call if you do not find what you are looking for or shoot us an email. more Look for the unique Style of Heywood Wakefield Labels The earliest Streamline Modern marking known is the yellow wood grain style paper label with red print. This label is frequently found in conjunction with the blue and whit style number tag made of paper. Used until the late 1930's. Look for other types of Heywood Wakefield Labels In addition, if a mirror was attached to a case piece, the last 2 or 3 digits if the mirror's style number became the suffix for the piece to which it was attached. read more Your Heywood Wakefield Furniture Specialists and a Whole Lot More. We also accept or you may use our layaway plan. If you have any questions on Pricing or Inventory, please call us at 714.744.8199 or email us. ©2008 WoodysAntiques.com Demo Top Site created by www.rKost.com
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