域名年龄: 27年28天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 服务器:nginx/1.4.5 访问时间:2015年03月21日 07:51:38 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked 连接:keep-alive 语言环境:PHP/5.3.3 Content-Encoding: gzip 网站编码:UTF-8 页面编码:iso-8859-1
xys.com - Fun Website Directory 1000 free online classes reviewed at StudyOnline.com!Common GRE study words Ask friendly monks anything for free at Monastery.com! Huge online restaurant review site with over 300,000 reviews at Dine.com! Tons of free casual games at Fupa.com! Every minute, about 240 babies are born on the planet with only 100 deaths occuring. In total, about 128 million babies are born per year (using the World Factbook, about 11M (8.6%) are white, 9.8M (7.7%) hispanic, 33.7M (26.3%) asian, 34.7M (27.1%), black, 13.8M (10.8%) middle eastern, and 25.1M (19.54%) indian). With only about 56M deaths per year (2.3 births for each death), world is growing by about 72M people per year. The following shows what happens on the planet EVERY TWO MINUTES. These new people need about 150 new acres (60 hectares) of farmland to produce enough food to eat (average world diet which is less than 1/2 a typical american's). Replay A message from Compute.org The domain xys.com may be availiable for sale - email offer here. For an estimate on cost, see here.
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2025-01-14 08:14, Process in 0.0052 second.