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    标题:宁波人才网——宁波求职网——宁波招聘网宁波人才网——宁波求职网——宁波招聘网 - 宁波人才网——宁波求职网——宁波招聘网
    homelistDo not write the title, don't want to have this opResume the title is often job seekers to ignore, afterconcentrated common named "resume" two word document to HR's mailbox, "regardless of you and me" the infiniteheadaches to HR. In fact, resume Title cannot be too simple,but also need not too complex.宁波人才网One, the title should have at least the "name" and "position"If your resume is a direct E-mail delivery to HR's mailbox,marked "name" and "position" in the mail and attachments in the title, can let HR know which one is your resume, and theposition you apply, at the same time, easy to store andsearch.Two, according to the requirements and format to writeThe recruitment information requested that the days of school,professional, a week can work, this is hard index HR screening resumes, please click the recruitment information required to write. Why do things by irregular ways in rigid index before isno echo of the resume.Under normal circumstances, the requirements of HR outside notting have the following:1, "your name + position name"2, "name + position name + Post properties"3, "your name + education + school + service + position +intention city"4, "XXXX session of graduates job + schools + name + position + intention to work"Three, graduates resume title余姚人才网Graduates lack of work experience, so the HR in the resume screening is focused on schools and professional, so your resume header format best as follows:"Name + + school + education + graduation time"Four, highlight the advantages of a resume caption鄞州人才网For job application, resume the title outstanding competitive advantage.If the candidate the job title, resume: "you front - College Students Model - Song Lili"Application Engineer, 5 years work experience required,resume the title: "8 years of senior engineer"www.0574-jobs.comRecruitment intern, required to work 3 days a week, resumethe title: "4 days / week of work" (end)宁波求职网comments(0)attentionThrough the resume can predict the interview questThe interviewer's questions are usually carried out in the following way:(1) please you to supplement the information on the resume,for example:镇海人才网Ask you to add "why": Graduate why to learn communication engineering? Why to have this name? Why you want to quitfrom the industrial and commercial bank?Ask you to add "how": How did you get Cisco sponsorship?How do you work was selected as "excellent staff"? YourEnglish level 6 spoken English test is good, how do you learn English?江东人才网Ask you to add "outcome": this activity produced whatinfluence on you?(2) that provide the resume "boast" information, such as:You said you were selected to participate in this activity in 300 people in the resume, how do you know 300 peoplecompetition? Do you think yourself what is selected?江北人才网You said yourself to get the leadership of praise, is how to assess at what occasion?You said your character is particularly suitable for the market,why do you think so?You think you are suitable for sale, then you 

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