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Cat Articles Pet Product Reviews Tips for Buying Dog Food Picking the right Food for your Pet Dog Diet Tips Australian Shepherds Info Build Your Own Doghouse Your dogs Diet - Feeding Fables Tips for Buying a Dog Collar 5 Tips To Selecting A Great Dog Gift You can have lots of fun selecting a dog gift for someone who absolutely adores dogs. And youll be happy to know that no matter what size budget your working with there are lots and lots of wonderful gift ideas to choose from. In fact you may have so many great choices that you could easily become overwhelmed. So lets start by learning how to narrow down the flood of choices a bit. Narrowing the choices to match the gift to the person will get you well on your way to selecting that perfect dog gift. Tip #1 Determine How Much You're Going To Spend Deciding how much you're going to spend on your dog gift is definitely going to narrow your choices. But this is a good thing . . . because wonderful dog gifts are available in almost any price range. And by narrowing your options based on price, you've just made your gift selection search a lot easier. Tip #2 Decide Who The Gift Is For Is your gift for a current dog owner? If so . . . would you like the gift for the dog owner or for their dog? If you're dealing with a bona fide dog enthusiast . . . either type of gift is appropriate and would be welcomed. You'll want to think about starting with what you know already about the person as well as their dog. Deciding if the gift is for the person or the dog will help narrow the many choices even further. Are you buying a gift for a dog caregiver? Maybe for your dog sitter, dog walker, dog groomer or veterinarian or anyone else who you trust enough to care for your beloved pet? Is the dog gift for someone who is actively involved with dogs? Or are you looking for a gift for someone who just loves dogs, but doesn't own a dog right now? Tip # 3 What's The Special Gift Giving Occasion? Is there a special occasion coming up that calls for a dog gift? Special occasions such as birthdays, holidays, get well wishes, pick me ups and pet loss condolences or memorials are all good reasons to give a dog lover a gift. And there are times you may give a gift just because you care. What category does your dog gift fit into? Some gifts can be personalized to special occasions with imprints, photos or amusing accessories. A gift that is customized for the special occasion will be really welcomed and show that you put extra thought into your gift selection. Tip #4 How Does Your Dog Lover Express Their Fondness For Dogs? To select a great dog gift you'll need to know a little about how your dog lover likes to express their passion or fondness for dogs. Does he proudly wear dog breed clothing, display dog art prints & posters or like to collect dog figurines and other dog related knick-knacks? Or maybe she likes to pamper her special pooch. Buying her little dog all sorts of treats, dog carriers, designer dog clothes
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