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2U HomeAboutUniversitiesCareersBlogFIND A PROGRAM2U partners with the Newhouse School at Syracuse University to offer Communications@Syracuse. Read More >The first MBA@Syracuse cohort is the largest in Whitman MBA program history. Read More >MBA@UNC Debuts at #1 on the U.S. News Best Online MBA Rankings Read More >No Back Row™ Play the Video2U Wins 2015 Glassdoor Employees Award for Second Year. Read More >The 2U Approach2U’s No Back Row™ approach includes immersive course content, live face-to-face classes, real-world learning experiences, social engagement and dedicated student services. This approach ensures that every student experiences the highest quality education to produce the most successful outcome.LEARN MOREHIGHLIGHTSThe future of higher education?Georgetown University's nursing school offers one ideaREAD MORE2U, Inc. Receives 2015 Glassdoor Employees' Choice Award for Best Places to Work for Second Consecutive YearGlassdoor recognizes 2U as one of the top 50 Best Places to Work in 2015 among small-and-medium-sized companies.READ MOREHow does the Brady Bunch relate to the 2U platform?CEO Chip Paucek explains in this guest letter for University VenturesREAD MOREOnline education vs. Brick-and-Mortar2U CEO Chip Paucek discusses the future of online education on Bloomberg TV's “Market Makers"READ MOREThe World Economic Forum recognizes 2U as 2014 Global Growth Company2U has been named to the World Economic Forum’s 2014 list of 12 U.S. Global Growth Companies (GGCs) representing the country’s most dynamic and high-growth companies.READ MORE2U, Inc. adds recognized higher education leader Edward S. Macias to Board of DirectorsProvost Emeritus of Washington University in St. Louis has most recently led the university's efforts to explore its approach to online education and technologyREAD MOREBloomberg Businessweek Shares MBA@UNC Love StoryThe strength of social engagement online: two students fall in love in the virtual classroom.READ MOREThe New York Times features SocialWork@SimmonsSimmons professor Dana Grossman Leeman connects with online students through traditional care packages.READ MOREUNIVERSITY PARTNERSGRADUATEInternational ServiceGRADUATEData ScienceGRADUATENursingGRADUATEHealth Administration GRADUATE Business GRADUATE Government GRADUATE Nursing GRADUATE Social Work GRADUATE Education GRADUATE Public Health GRADUATE Social Work GRADUATE Law GRADUATE Communications GRADUATE Business GRADUATE Law GRADUATE Counseling GRADUATE Data Science AS SEEN IN About 2U About 2U Approach Team Research Board of Directors Press Investor Relations Careers Find a Program Contact Programs USC Rossier Online MSW@USC Nursing@Simmons MBA@UNC @WashULaw MPA@UNC MPH@GW International Relations Online SocialWork@Simmons MHA@GW datascience@berkeley MBA@Syracuse Accounting@Syracuse Nursing@Georgetown Datascience@SMU Communications@Syracuse Counseling@Northwestern 2U partners with leading colleges and unive
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