未注册HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 目标网址:https://360men.net 访问时间:2019年08月24日 12:50:51 文件大小:141 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 缓存控制:public 类型:text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Encoding: gzip 动作:Accept-Encoding 设置Cookie:dnn_IsMobile=False; path=/; HttpOnly 设置Cookie:.ASPXANONYMOUS=00Hs7NzFPFQgOAdEYn-YKbOhkQoXY2q-ub_rEcTjYWBi_UmF-9APFdeZuAjXgwiUrj25BZzUkBWGI2mi39-MJ8QUYCA0e1c3iNyV2slcSzEjJbaM0; expires=Fri, 01-Nov-2019 15:30:52 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN 客户端设定:IE=edge 设置Cookie:dnn_IsMobile=False; path=/; HttpOnly 设置Cookie:.ASPXANONYMOUS=00Hs7NzFPFQgOAdEYn-YKbOhkQoXY2q-ub_rEcTjYWBi_UmF-9APFdeZuAjXgwiUrj25BZzUkBWGI2mi39-MJ8QUYCA0e1c3iNyV2slcSzEjJbaM0; expires=Fri, 01-Nov-2019 15:30:52 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly 设置Cookie:language=en-US; path=/; HttpOnly 设置Cookie:__RequestVerificationToken=nP9g3XPcaKO3bUSDo-_Gt__5ZNCRXtV0ZDOn893Qc80Cm5X-eeEu69-MnTvBbjC2zbq6Nw2; path=/; HttpOnly 访问时间:2019年08月24日 12:50:51 文件大小:17848 网站编码:utf-8
|Login ENhomeaboutDANIEL COMPMUGSHOTS & COFFEEWORTH THINKING ABOUTBOOK OF INSIGHTSDIGITAL LOCATIONSwhySTORIESPEOPLEA-GH-PQ-ZHEALTHPHILOSOPHYRELATIONSHIPSPLACESHISTORYHOMEMEMORIESOUTDOORSSPORTTRAVELTHINGSARTSEDUCATIONFOODMONEYSPORTWORKjoincontactEXPEDITIONYOUR PERSONAL EVEREST→ self-actualization↑ self-understanding↑ self-awareness"the greatest expedition you'll ever undertake is the journey to self-understanding. We invite you on such an undertaking."PROCESSI do - you watchwe do - we watchyou do - I watchIMPARTATIONPLATFORMSCALING YOUR BRANDdigital franchisingmetro syndicationtrusted collaborationOUTCOMESenduring relationshipssustainable enterpriseresidual incomeMASCULINE CORPUS U.S. 20/20 hindsight 'splain it to me! × 'splain it to me! CONSTANT CHANGE is HERE to STAY The largest boulder was in that field long before the house, barn or vineyard. The home was started over 300 years ago - so to most people, that 'rock' has ALWAYS been in that field. (NOTHING EVER CHANGES) The smaller boulder (1 of 3 boulders) is now in the vineyard. The barn is now no longer. There is a much larger boulder in the street just feet away from the main house on the uphill side. (PROOF ANYTHING CAN CHANGE) Close GRAND CHALLENGES DATAISM "Dataism is a new ethical system that says, yes, humans were special and important because up until now they were the most sophisticated data processing system in the universe, but this is no longer the case. The tipping point is when you have an external algorithm that understands you—your feelings, emotions, choices, desires—better than you understand them yourself. That’s the point when there is the switch from amplifying humans to making them redundant." "Take Google Maps or Waze. On the one hand they amplify human ability—you are able to reach your destination faster and more easily. But at the same time you are shifting the authority to the algorithm and losing your ability to find your own way." "When you talk about God and religion, in the end it’s all a question of authority. What is the highest source of authority that you turn to when you have a problem in your life? A thousand years ago you’d turn to the church. Today, we expect algorithms to provide us with the answer—who to date, where to live, how to deal with an economic problem. So more and more authority is shifting to these corporations." Can we opt out? "The simplest answer is no. It will become extremely difficult to unplug, and it has to do with health care, which will increasingly rely on internet-connected sensors. People will be willing to give up privacy in exchange for medical services that tell you the first day cancer cells start spreading in your body. So we might reach a point when it will be impossible to disconnect." https://www.wired.com/2017/02/yuval-harari-tech-is-the-new-religion/ PLATFORM OWNERSHIP Who makes more money, the platform owners like
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