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This website seeks to transfer or cooperate! 联系方式/Contact: Email : 如你对本站程序和域名的合作或转让感兴趣!为避免无诚意的探价和浪费多方人员的时间!请您自带能出的最高预算价格!一旦你的预算与现网站主人期望值差距不大,你将在48小时内收到回复! If you are interested in the cooperation or transfer of this website and domain name! In order to avoid unsatisfactory test price and waste time for many people! Need your own to bring the maximum budget price! Once your budget and the current site owners expect the gap is not big, You will receive a reply within 48 hours! 由于本站()为非赢利性网站,投入的精力较大,无力继续更新,寻求转让或合作! This site () is a non-profit website, and we had devoted too much on it, but now we face difficulties to continue to update,thus we have to seek for transfer or cooperation. 完整的网站转让包括域名所有权的变更(过户),网站托管空间的交接,网站程序和数据的迁移等。 Complete web site transfer, including domain name ownership change (transfer), the transfer of the site hosting space, site procedures and data migration, etc.. 好网站及域名是成功的最佳工具和品牌价值的体现! Good website and domain name is the best tool for the success of commercial display and the embodiment of the value of the brand! 如果您现在犹豫不决,您可能将失去拥有本网站及域名的好机会! If you do not decide at this time, you may lose the best chance to own the good website and domain name. 如果您对本网站及域名感兴趣,请 >点击这里< 给我们一个您期望价格! If you are interested in this website and domain name, please >click here< to make a proper offer. 交易方式:通过金名网4.cn、爱名网22.cn或者Dn.com、Escrow.com中介交易。 Online transactions: via Escrow service of Ourdomains 4.cn, 22.cn or Dn.com, Escrow.com. Copyright © 1998-2017 All Rights Reserved.
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2025-03-05 08:54, Process in 0.0062 second.