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Welcome to aa33.com. The aa33 in our domain name is short for Arbour Acres Apartment #33 at Mississippi State University. Arbour Acres 33 is the apartment that our crew lived in from spring semester in 1997 until the present. Only one member of the crew, Schex, is still currently there. We felt that, since the glory days of aa33 are behind us, we had to allow the memory of MSU's greatest (and at times only) gaming compound. Arbour Acres provided the best atmosphere for a 24-hour-a-day gaming environment, since it was an apartment and we didn't have to worry about noise levels or annoying roommates, since they were all in on the gaming. We're hoping to have our first real content up by the end of the week. We'll have a guide for finding the secrets in Chrono Cross (by Magus), a couple of rants, and the start of our About AA33 section. There, you can read some of the stories that we'll always hold dear to our hearts, as well as some of the terms and phrases we coined there. If you have actually found our site, please: send me an email and let me know how you found our site. Thanks for stopping by, and we'll start giving you a reason to come here shortly. As always, this site is the proud sponser of the Murph guarantee.
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2025-01-25 13:48, Process in 0.0028 second.