域名年龄: 10年7个月29天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2014年11月01日 07:35:52 语言环境:PHP/5.2.17 文件大小:1077 连接:关闭 类型:text/html 页面编码:utf-8
AB14.net - The Home of AlunBlue14!!! HomeGamingLivestreamAB14PAGYouTubeWanna play?MinecraftJoin Me!SocialContact Latest News! Apologies 2013-06-03 04:21 The website is taking longer to complete than I had hoped, there has been huge delays involing something i will tell you later, which may or may not be a minecraft server. ;) Apologies for this but once my server is up and running, then the website will be the next priority! Update 2013-04-27 17:58 The livestream section is complete for the moment. There will be more later. Construction Update 2013-04-27 17:25 The homepage is now complete. Now to move on to the next page... (AB14PAG) ;) Website Construction 2013-04-23 07:43 AB14.net is up and live! However the website is far from complete. Many things still need doing and more pages need to be added. Please see the list on the home page at the bottom of the page to see which pages are complete, which are being built and which pages haven't been started yet. Hopefully all of these pages will be completed by 10/5/13. Thanks! HomeWelcome to AB14.net! The official AlunBlue14 website! Many things await you on this webpage including games, info and news await you on this page! Anyway, if you don't already know me, I will introduce myself. I am AlunBlue14, I am a gamer mostly. I play many games such as: Minecraft and Team Fortress 2 but I like to play more horror games such as: SCP, Slender and Amnesia. I do play a mix of games and I am always open to suggestions! If you have any game suggestions, click here! ab14.net Copyright (C)AlunBlue14 All Rights Reserved Supported by the best web hosting, VPS hosting and billing software.
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