域名年龄: 27年11个月15天HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 访问时间:2016年02月29日 08:41:34 X-Pingback: http://www.abocom.com/xmlrpc.php 目标网址:http://www.abocom.com/ 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:20 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 设置Cookie:SRV=itmedia7; path=/ 缓存控制:private HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2016年02月29日 08:41:34 X-Pingback: http://www.abocom.com/xmlrpc.php 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:4497 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 设置Cookie:SRV=itmedia7; path=/ 缓存控制:private 网站编码:UTF-8
Go Abocom Take a course in wireless networking an earn a computer networking degree in weeks. Skip to content Computer Networking Degree Computer Networking Wireless Networking Degree Wireless Networking Computer Networking: A Growing Job Field Despite the stigma that may surround a job in the computer networking field, individuals with a computer networking degree are becoming some of the most sought after individuals in the job market today. Almost everything people interact with on a daily basis is controlled or aided by computers and the networks that sustain them need to be setup, maintained, and repaired over time. A degree in computer networking requires an individual to study the engineering of computer systems, devices, and the manner in which these devices communicate with each other. Individuals pursuing a degree in computer networking can expect a heavy dose of course study involving mathematics, computer science, information technology, and computer engineering. Computer networking is often considered a subdivision of computer science, information technology, or computer engineering. How a degree is listed within a field of study depends on individual institutions. Many schools in fact do not offer a specific degree carrying the title of “Computer Networking.” Coursework in computer networking used to only be available in college, universities, and other higher education institutions. Advances in technology and funding have allowed for high school students to get introductory coursework in computer networking skills, including configuring routers, installing wires, and network diagnostics for example. Individuals looking to pursue a degree related to computer networking have many options when it comes to the level of education they desire. Many major universities and colleges offer a full four year course study related to computer networking, while others may offer a shorter and more focused two year program. Individuals who follow this route will leave school with a Bachelor of Science degree. There is also an Associate’s program available at many technical schools that individuals can also complete over two years with classes varying between full time and night time. There is no clear set of data that points to one degree holding superiority over the other when it comes to the computer networking field. While a Bachelor’s degree obtained through a four year program conveys a higher level of education and long-term job flexibility, the focused curriculum of shorter programs and Associate’s programs can get an individual into the job field quicker and allows for more on the job experience. For some individuals, education in computer networking will not end when they graduate from a post-secondary institution. Often individuals who want to reach higher position jobs in the computer networking field will be required to obtain networking based certification. Certification courses often consist of long exams
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