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Sign InForgot PasswordHosted by ShulCloud NetworkLoginSponsored by:Ted Struhl, Boca Executive RealtySponsored by:Ted Struhl, Boca Executive RealtyHomeAbout UsHistory of Anshei ChesedShul AdministrationEducation ProgramYouth ProgramMembership InformationOur LocationEruvCommunityShabbos ScheduleShul OpportunitiesChesedBrochureFrequently Asked Questions2015 OU Community FairLocal Kosher EstablishmentsCommunity MapHospitalityCalendarPhotos/VideosPhoto AlbumsVideosFormsHospitalityMake a Donation/PaymentContact UsAnshei Chesed CongregationWelcome to Anshei Chesed Congregation Anshei Chesed Congregation is a friendly, all-inclusive,Ashkenaz, Orthodox Shul located in Boynton Beach, FloridaBoynton Beach combines an Orthodox Jewish lifestyle with affordable housing, robust employment opportunities -- and Florida weather. It's an ideal place to raise a family. There are extensive Jewish resources in the community and in nearby communities.Our Beautiful New ShulThis Week at Anshei ChesedUpcoming events this week of MarchSat 5Shabbos Mevarchim Parshas Shekalim Parshas Vayakhel7:30aHashkamah Minyan8:30aParshas Hashavua Class9:00aShacharis9:00aTeen Minyan9:36aSof z'man shema5:15pRabbi's Class6:00pMincha7:03pMaariv/Havdalah Maariv/HavdalahSun 68:00aShacharis9:00aShacharis6:10pMincha MinchaMon 77:30aShacharis6:10pMincha Mincha8:00pThe Seven Prophetesses in Tanach Sarah, Miriam, Devorah, Chana, Avigail, Huldah, Esther. These are the women that the Tanakh and Chazal have designated as the 7 Prophetesses. When it is not explicit in the text, how do they know this? What makes these women stand above all the other women we encounter in our ancient texts? How did their particular experiences inform their prophesy and ensure their place in this noble and very exclusive class of women? Come hear guest scholars share their research and knowledge to explore the lives and prophesies of these fascinating women.Tue 87:30aShacharis10:00aKetuvim Study-Iyov We will be studying the "Sifrei Emet", the books of Iyov, Mishlei and Tehillim. Each book will be studied in a way more fitting to its own literary style. In depth study of these classes is a rare opportunity you will want to take part in, to expand Jewish knowledge of these classic books from Ketuvim.6:10pMincha MinchaWed 97:30aShacharis6:10pMincha Mincha8:00pSisterhood Play Making the Winderness BloomA Play by Leah PolinAn original dramatic presentation, depicting 12 inc
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