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Alingu ⇡ Back to Top Contact Hi. We Buy Websites. And we're not picky. Your site might be a large ecommerce store. Or a small content site. It might be beautiful. But we also like ugly. Either way, we'll buy it. "My Web Business Just Got Acquired" That's what you will proudly be able to tell everyone you know. We move fast too. By the end of next week you could have the money in your back pocket, so that you can treat yourself to that new _________ you've wanted for so long. No website is too small for us to buy, so don't be shy. Even if your site generates no revenues at all, there can still be value locked up in it that we are happy to pay for. We've bought sites from $50 to mid-six figures. Give One Project Your Full Attention If you're anything like the folks in our circles, you have several projects on the go. You know that you need to focus on just one, but you struggle to let go of the untapped potential of those side-projects.Why not unlock the cash in your dormant projects and reinvest it into that one project that is going to change your life. Sites That We Buy We'll make an offer on most websites, but we're particularly fond of: Software that caters to small business/creatives. Blogs (wordpress, tumblr etc) that have lost your attention. Ecommerce stores with less than 10 SKUs. Monetised or non-monetised sites with good Page Rank or decent traffic. Article/Web 2.0 accounts with quality content. What's In It For Us? We look for opportunities that are going to be a good return on investment in the medium to long run. To do this we pick up where you left off. Our team works hard to improve and optimize our acquired websites. Sometimes we incorporate the sites into a broader strategy. Sometimes we don't. Each project is different in that respect. Often we see value where others don't, which is why we are able to make the type of offers we do. Get In Touch Start a conversation with us by using this form. Feel free to include as much or as little information as you want. The main thing is to get the ball rolling.
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2025-02-09 06:41, Process in 0.0038 second.