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Broadway Action Group (Derby) Contact us at action@b-a-g.org Telephone 01332 557668 Your Local Ward Councillors are: Welcome News (Updated Feb 2014) Cllr Jack Stanton 07812 301755 jack.stanton@derby.gov.uk Cllr Martin Repton 01332 206095 martin.repton@derby.gov.uk Lorraine Radford 01332 556531 lorraine.radford@derby.gov.uk Broadway Action Group Constitution AGM Minutes July 2012 July 2013 (Un-adopted) Newsletters Summer 2013 "Working to protect the area and look after the interests of our residents' (Established 2006) Thank you to all who have recently joined or renewed their membership, for just £2.00 a year, can you get better value anywhere else? It is still not too late to join or renew your membership, you can do it online if you wish. BAG Survey 2014 We are currently undertaking a survey of residents and our members to help inform our policy making process for the coming years. Whilst we seek to represent the views and wishes of our members we would welcome contributions from residents living in the Broadway Area. Would you like to take part in the survey? Click Here If you would prefer to download a form to fill in and post to us Click Here Websdesign.co.uk
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2025-01-28 02:44, Process in 0.0062 second.