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Link to Us - DJ Links - Photographer Links - Videographer LinksSign In | Register Home Bookmark UsGet ListedYour Privacy Keep your Link and Get Better Search Engine Results!Benefits of placing a link/banner on your site... Placing a link on your site guarantees a return link from Search engines will RANK you MUCH higher due to recipricol linking Instructions: Find a link or banner below that you like Highlight all the text in the box with your mouse Press CTL+C (both keys) to copy the text Open your web editor software and position the mouse where you want the link to appear If you are NOT using Frontpage then Select 'Edit' then 'Paste' Frontpage Users select 'Paste Special' then select 'Treat as HTML' or 'Do Not Convert' Text Links work best for everyone -- DJs use a photographer link, etc... Locate a DJ or Photographer Nationwide<A HREF="" TITLE="Find a DJ or Photographer for you wedding or special event">Locate a DJ or Photographer Nationwide</a> Find a DJ for your wedding or special event<A HREF="" TITLE="Find a DJ or Photographer for you wedding or special event">Find a DJ for your wedding or special event</a> Find a Photographer for your wedding or special event<A HREF="" TITLE="Find a DJ or Photographer for you wedding or special event">Find a Photographer for your wedding or special event</a> Banners are good for links pages.... To use this link: copy and paste the following code on your page:<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 ALT="Find a DJ or Photographer at" BORDER=0></A> To use this link: copy and paste the following code on your page:<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 ALT="Find a DJ or Photographer at" BORDER=0></A> To use this link: copy and paste the following code on your page:<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 ALT="Find a DJ or Photographer at" BORDER=0></A> To use this link: copy and paste the following code on your page:<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 ALT="Find a DJ or Photographer at" BORDER=0></A> To use this link: copy and paste the following code on your page:<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 ALT="Find a DJ or Photographer at" BORDER=0>&l
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