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Welcome About Our Games In Development Join Up Welcome About Our Games In Development Join Up The Game Had Changed On-Demand Development Consulting The Game Had Changed SCROLL DOWN The Game Had Changed You're not getting your money's worth. Games are more diverse than ever. On one end you've got the fat cats making their hundred million dollar, ultra-violent screengasms, and on the other you have John Q. Public, barista by day, programming a game that he hopes will be the next Angry Birds by night. Mid-sized game developers are dying left and right as they try to play up to the pharaohs or compete with the free-to-play swarm. The old business model no longer makes sense. At Liquid we have always believed that a company must continually reshape itself to provide the best quality games within the constraints of its business environment. As times change, we change with them, it's in our DNA. We believe that the time is right for a more flexible development strategy. To implement a process that has already been proven out in other entertainment industries. Liquid has made the shift to On-Demand Development. The old way. The new way On-Demand Development SCROLL DOWN On-Demand Development Custom Teams for Custom WorkWhen you work with a developer that has 20+ people you are paying more than you should for your game. That developer has massive overhead, and that overhead is built into every game they work on. They also have very specialized people, like audio engineers and lighting artists who they are bouncing around multiple projects at once because they don't have enough work on your project alone. All these people get assigned to your project regardless of whether they are the right person for the job or not. Why? Well because someone's got to feed them, why not you? These people get bumped off and back on your project as priorities change and that means they can never give you their best. You're paying more and getting less.When you work with a developer who is 1-19 people, you are often working with people who are moonlighting on something else, or even worse, they have no experience. While the price might be right in the beginning, you'll take it in the shorts on the back end when they don't deliver, or worse, deliver substandard quality. Again, you're paying more and getting less.The right answer is on-demand development managed by industry veterans. Choosing on-demand development, means saying 'yes' to building the right team for the job. It means saying 'yes' to developing the game in the most efficient, pain free way possible. We bring together the exact people that your project requires for the exact time they need to be on the project. Everyone's a contractor - hired because they are the right person for the job - not because they are a "floating resource" looking for a project.We maintain a proprietary database of the best talent available and hire them for your project and your project alone. We handle all the logis
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