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tag. -->Blue-Eyed BrideHomeAboutSponsorContactGiveawaysHayes’s First Fiesta: The Fiesta DetailsWe had Hayes's First Fiesta at the historic home where Todd's firm is located. They have some gorgeous grounds around the property and we held the party on the grounds. It was so … [Continue Reading]Hayes’s NogginThank you all so much for your comments, texts, tweets, emails, and phone calls yesterday. I could really feel them and so much of my worry was taken away. Todd and I have a fairly … [Continue Reading]You Are My Sunshine baby shower!This weekend, with 5 of my friends, I co-hosted a baby shower for a very dear friend.We decided on a You Are My Sunshine theme for the shower. We focused on yellow and orange … [Continue Reading]battles and warsOh, life as a mom of a two-year-old. Is there anything more humbling? This post is not going to be pretty.Lately, I've just been feeling like I'm failing. I know that a lot of … [Continue Reading]I’m a boy momBoy mom.I hear this title used a lot. It's not a title I ever thought I'd have. I always imagined myself having two girls and then having a baby boy. You know, when I'd play … [Continue Reading]4 years of bloggingIf you're new to Blue-Eyed Bride, this is a pretty decent recap post to get you all filled in since the beginning. Every September, this date rolls around. I don't celebrate it … [Continue Reading]now that I’m a mommy…I say things like, "Because I said so" and "go to your room."I find myself counting to three and taking deep breaths to avoid confrontation with family members.I know how to … [Continue Reading]my home organization notebookA few weeks ago, I mentioned my desire to create a Home Organization Notebook based on the one I saw on Honey We're Home. I was so inspired to have everything all in one place … [Continue Reading]Green Eggs and Ham birthday party: the detailsThese posts are going to have to be broken up into two or three parts because there are so many things to see! This post is just going to be the details: decorations, food, … [Continue Reading]the night before…Our lives are going to change tomorrow. There's no way around it. We're checking into the hospital at 5:30 tomorrow morning and the induction begins at 6:30. I have no idea how … [Continue Reading]this week on Every Day Cheer November 16, 2013 2 Comments Family Photos Style Guide- This week Jenny posted the greatest guide for getting dressed for Christmas card photos. It was full of great tips!Orange Pomander Balls- Megan posted a great DIY for the yummiest fall scent- and it’s completely natural.Thanksgiving Hostess Gifts- Nina shared her very best and most personal ideas for Thanksgiving hostess gifts for when you are visiting someone’s home this season.Sweet Potato Cupcakes with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting- If you’re sick and tired of pumpkin pie, you should definitely bring these
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