域名年龄: 15年10个月2天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 连接:关闭 访问时间:2010年12月01日 01:53:01 网站服务器:Microsoft-IIS/6.0 语言环境:ASP.NET ASP.NET版本:2.0.50727 缓存控制:private 类型:text/html; charset=utf-8 文件大小:10107 网站编码:utf-8 The Ultimate Well-Being Resource Why do I Procrastinate? Updated February 7th, 2010 You may delay, but time will not. ~Benjamin Franklin It is amazing that one of the most powerful forces working against us is our own self. Procrastination is act of putting off a task or activity to a later time, when it makes more sense to do it now. We all procrastinate, think about how many hours of your own life you have wasted away because you put off a task over and over again until you are either forced to do it or you loose the opportunity to do it at all. It seems that there are two forces inside us that are often pulling in opposite directions. We have a rational consciousness, responsible for our logical and rational thoughts and actions, and we have our irrational consciousness that always seems to make us do the exact opposite of what we want to do. Why is that? If we want to do something, why don’t we just do it? If you were to ask any group of people in any age group, in any country is procrastination a healthy habit, you would unanimously get the answer “no”. And yet you can be safe in guessing that each one of those people have procrastinated many times in their life, and some are probably doing it right now. What’s the deal? When we touch a hot stove and burn ourselves, we make a connection in the brain that tells us to never touch a hot stove again. That connection lasts our entire lifetime. Sometimes we make the same mistake a few times, such as trusting someone who is not trustworthy, or buying something on sale just because it’s on sale. But there usually comes a point where we have had enough of those bad decisions and decide to make different ones. However, there are certain things that we never seem to overcome, even though we absolutely know we have to, we want to, but we can’t. Some people procrastinate more than others. A task that one person may have difficulty doing may be easy for someone else. We here terms like “will power” and “self discipline”. Still, how many times have you gone face first into a task with all the will power in the world, only to find that shortly after starting you loose the enthusiasm and think of something else to do instead? If you are someone who suffers from procrastination you know the damaging effects all too well. You also know just how incredibly difficult it can be to overcome. There are number of theories as to why we procrastinate and why it is such a difficult habit to break. One very common and accepted explanation is that procrastination is a very basic human response to the thought of something that causes fear. Considering procrastination as a human instinct might help explain why it is so prevalent, why it is so habitual and why it is so difficult to simply eliminate. Here are some tips that will help battle your procrastination right now: Tip: Whatever it is that you are putting off doing, tell yourself “I really don’t have to do this if I don’t w
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