域名年龄: 20年20天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2012年09月18日 16:27:44 类型:text/html 文件大小:8224 连接:keep-alive 服务器:Nginx / Varnish 语言环境:PHP/5.2.17 动作:Accept-Encoding
Buckeye Woodworkers and Wood Turners Our meetings are every 2nd Saturday of the month Start Time: 9:00am NEW TIME Location: Clinton, Ohio 815 Mt Pleasant Rd. YMCA Camp Y-Noah. Next Meeting Saturday September 8th, 2012! YMCA Camp Y-Noah Guests are always Welcome. Click Here to view a map of our meeting location in Clinton, Ohio. Please click on BWWT Bylaws to view. Meeting September 8th, 2012 9:00am NEW TIME DEMONSTRATION: Peter Kerns, Mirka Abrasives Representative, will be the featured demonstrator for the September meeting. This will be Peters third presentation to our club. He will be presenting 'Whats new in Abrasives for the wood worker'. He will be explaining which abrasive to use and how to obtain the best results.This September is the 20th anniversary of Buckeye Woodworkers and Woodturners! There will be a Raffle Table. Please bring wood. There will be a Show and Tell Table so bring your latest turned art work. TURN and LEARN after the meeting : None BWWT Officers News Letters Library Woodworking Schools Woodworking Supplies New LinksWoodworking Instructions, Plans, & Jigs Picture Gallery Tips & Techniques Proud Memberof The American Association of Woodturners This is the BESTEST Club in the World (Just ask us) Please forward any questions or comments to the author: John J. Adams
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