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HomeAbout UsEventsClassifiedsLocal InfoMember Registration Platinum Sponsors Gold sponsors: Silver sponsors: Brown sponsors: Welcome to the... Chinese Association of Northwest Arkansas (CANWA)! Chinese New Year Celebration 2015 Ticket Kids 5-12 --- $5.00 USD Adults and Kids over 12 --- $15.00 USD Mission Statement: The Chinese Association of NWA (Northwest Arkansas) is a non-religious, non-political, non-profit, and local community-based charitable and educational organization. Its mission is to provide a platform for facilitating integration of local Chinese community into the US society, introducing Chinese Culture to the local communities, and promoting local society harmony. 公告/AnnouncementToday we have a great news to share. IRS has approved our application for 501(c)(3) status. CANWA is now officially a tax exempt nonprofit charitable organization. What does this mean to our members and supporters? One of the most distinct provisions unique to Section 501(c)(3) organizations as compared with other tax exempt entities is the tax deductibility of donations. We are now able to provide donation receipts to all donors who have supported us in the past and in the future. This will help you reduce your tax liability. Please email us if you had donated anonymously in the past and would like a tax deduction receipt. As always, we appreciate all our members and supporters. Please know that you can easily give your support by donating on line. ( Thank you all! 如果有需要刊发到newsletter的讯息,欢迎大家最迟周五晚上6点前发邮件到 最好是中英文都有here. 格式如下:标题: please forward to CANWA内容:请注明信息的有效起至日期。如果没有起至日子,此内容只发一期newsletterEN: If you would like to submit content to be included in the newsletter, please send it by email to, not later than 6:00 PM every Friday. The format of the email is as follow: Subject: please forward to CANWA Content: please specify the start and expiration date. If there is no expiration date, this request will only appear in the newsletter once. 强烈号召大家转告认识的朋友:如果对自己的华人团体感兴趣,请关注华人协会网站 并请注册邮箱,来接收每期newsletterEN: Plea
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