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"> ✕ Home Page CITINITE2003-2016 RealisedNITE-1, Robert O’Dell, Cazelica • NITE-2, John Davis, Flashcan • NITE-3, Gosub, Watchers from the Black Universe • NITE-4, Her Bad Habit, I Don’t Know (What You’re Doing to Me) • NITE-5, Robert O’Dell, The Elite • NITE-8, Sweat.X, Ebonyivorytron • NITE-9, Gosub, The Last Time... • NITE-10, Dez Dickerson, Modernaire • NITE-12, Private Stock, Modernaire • NITE-13, Sweat.X, I’m That Alley • NITE-14, AD Bourke, Mirage • NITE-16, Sexual Harrassment, Give It To Me Hot • NITE-18, Drive Me Home, Fast Life • NITE-20, Death Comet Crew, Galacticoast Mosi UnrealisedNITE-0, Z Factor, (I Like To Do It In) Fast Cars • NITE-6, John Davis, The Hottest Beat • NITE-7, Robert O’Dell, Roads & Clouds • NITE-11, Mynk Rychardz, Blastin’ • NITE-15, Gosub, ...I Saw You • NITE-17, Lil’ Kenny, Straight to Your Head • NITE-19, Rozzi Daime, Dirty Illusions • NITE-21, JLin, Unknown Tongues Released recordings available from Bleep Unreleased ‘Walk into the Nite’ 52-minute mix available from SoundCloud Thankyou to all the supremely talented artists who made the label what it was: Robert O’Dell, John Davis, Gosub, Jimmy Edgar, Spoek Mathambo, Markus Wormstorm, Dez Dickerson, AD Bourke, Lynn Tolliver, Drive Me Home, Death Comet Crew, Prince, Egyptian Lover, Complexxion, Faceless Mind, Ed DMX, Mike Slott, Amalia, Ulysses82, Dâm-Funk, Lil’ Kenny, G.rizo, Olivier Daysoul, Riky Rick, Machinedrum, Computer Jay, LV, Gifted & Blessed, Hieroglyphic Being, Sheela Rahman For their time and enthusiasm, thankyou to Scott Jarrold, Jesse Saunders, Vicious Pink, Secondo, Bumper, Michael Fakesch, AUX 88, Kode9, Krystal Klear, Detroit Grand Pubahs, LB Bad, New Look, Rozzi Daime, JLin, plus all the artists who ever sent through demos, and Freak City LA, Julian Krysor and LuckyMe for helping put on some fun parties Thankyou to all the friends who have supported and worked with the label over the years, including the music journalists, producers and DJs who helped spread the word, master engineers Noel Summerville and Jason Goz who made the releases sound so good, and of course everyone who stocked and bought the records! Most of all, thankyou to Martin McKay and all the fine people at Rubadub, Glasgow, without whom CITINITE would only have been a dream Goodnite
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