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8005626383 Congratulations To Our 2012 Billboard Music Awards Winning Graduates... AJ Clark for Adele... Congratulations To Our 2012 Billboard Music Awards Winning Graduates... Eric Eylands for Lil Wayne... Congratulations To Our 2012 Billboard Music Awards Winning Graduates... Ian Shea for Coldplay... Congratulations To Our 2012 Billboard Music Awards Winning Graduates... Jeremy Miller for Foster the People... Congratulations To Our 2012 Billboard Music Awards Winning Graduates... Jeremy Stevenson for Lil Wayne... Congratulations To Our 2012 Billboard Music Awards Winning Graduates... Sara Killian for Adele... Congratulations To Our 2012 Billboard Music Awards Winning Graduates... Thurston McCrea for Kelly Rowland... PRESS PLAY ON YOUR CAREER -- MUSIC | LIVE SOUND | FILM & TV | VIDEO GAME Digital or Analog… Sound for Video Games, Sound for Film, Broadcast, Radio & TV – CRAS Students Make It. Love sound, and dream about studying at CRAS, the premier audio recording, engineering and production school? If you're looking for an education that can give you the knowledge and skills to record music, design video game sounds, create ringtones and produce movie soundtracks... CRAS is the place for you! Located in Arizona, CRAS, The Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences, is the school where you can follow your dream of a career in the recording arts. Press Play on Your Career and Be CRAS. ABOUT CRAS History Mission Administrator Testimonials Press Awards Privacy Policy PROGRAM & FACULTY Course Outline Certifications Guest Lecturers Internship Faculty YOUR CAREER Music Live Sound Film & TV Video Game ADMISSIONS Apply Now Request Information Visit CRAS Financial Aid Sitemap
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