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Box 31335, Chicago, IL 60631(773) 271-3611CUFOS HomeThe Organization Become anAssociate Publications Ordering &ShippingUFO FAQ English Español En Francais Deutsch ItalianoPortugueseHynek's ClassificationSystemYou Want To Be A UfologistARTICLES International UFO Reporter AbductionsFAMOUS CASESRoswellUFO REPORTSCometa ReportReport a SightingPilot Reporting CenterUFO HISTORYUFO DocumentsUFOHistorical Revue NICAP DocumentsUFO MONITORINGProjectHessdalenUFO DATABASESTemporal Doorway *U* UFO DatabaseUFOCAT2009Blue Book ArchivesBlueBookUnknowns(Incomplete Draft)HUMCAT IndexRECOMMENDED BOOKSGeneral Reading AdvancedReading Bookstores MISCELLANEOUS SETI at Home Calendar of Events Related Phenomena UFO Links UFO Skeptic The Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) is an international group of scientists, academics, investigators, and volunteers dedicated to the continuing examination and analysis of the UFO phenomenon. Our purpose is to promote serious scientific interest in UFOs and to serve as an archive for reports, documents, and publications about the UFO phenomenon. CUFOS currently engages in several ongoing activities. We encourage you to become involved in our activities, including the reporting to us of local sightings and articles about UFOs, searching for UFO archival material, helping to maintain UFOCAT, our computer database of reports, or assisting with specific research projects. Additionally, if you become an Associate of CUFOS, your contribution is tax deductible and helps to support all these projects and others. To volunteer your assistance, for more information about the Center for UFO Studies that you can't find on these pages, or for comments and suggestions about our site, contact us at . CUFOS NEWS The UFO field has had very few serious historical studies, almost none of book length. This situation has improved immeasurably with the publication of UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry, edited by Dr. Michael Swords of CUFOS, and Robert Powell of MUFON. This book immediately takes the top rank among historical studies of government involvement with the UFO phenomenon. As Jerome Clark of CUFOS has written: "It's a monument to sober, meticulous scholarship in a field where such is all too rare. It supersedes any number of books that promote speculation and conspiracy theory - or, at the other end, blanket denial - in place of the documentable evidence, which makes for a fascinating story in itself." (Read more…) CUFOS discontinues publication of International UFO Reporter (Read more…) CUFOS board member Dr. Thomas E. Bullard published his wide-ranging analysis and consideration of the UFO phenomenon last year (The Myth and Mystery of UFOs, University of Kansas). Most UFO books are ignored by the quality press, but Bullard's book was reviewed in November in the London Review of Books . We are pleased that this serious book was deemed worthy of review by a serious intellectual journal. Read all
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