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    抓取时间:2019年08月08日 02:02:45
    标题:My Portfolio
    CloseAboutExperienceEducationProjectsSkillsContactLion de BellSoftware EngineerDownload Resume (Dutch)Download Resume (English)About MeHi I am Lion, welcome to my portfolio website.I'm a third year Software engineering student in Leiden with a love for new technology.To name a few things, I recently picked up React and a part of the AWS Serverless stack, didsome VR stuff and currently have C# and Vue on my todo list. I consider myself to be a well roundedfull stack developer with a preference for backend.My preferred programming language is definitely Python.I already loved it from the start while writing simple scripts but when I took it further duringmy most recent internship by building an entire API out of it is just an whole other level of amazing.ExperienceRedNoseDeveloperPart-time job that I juggle with school. All assignments here are affiliated with DocGen, which isa document generation platform mainly used by the Dutch government. Techniques that Ipractice here include Docker, Kubernetes, php, and Angular.Moddix
    Software Engineering Internship
    I learned way more than I could have ever imagined at this place. To give an example; with no prior
    experience with serverless at all they thought me how to host my complete project on the AWS stack.
    This contained many different elements that worked together (Lambda, API Gateway, RDM, Fargate etc.)
    This entire integration was implemented in a CI/CD street.
    Picking up food at all sorts of restaurants and bring them to your doorstep on my bike. Aligns perfectly with my cycling addiction.
    I did all sorts of things during this time.
    The jobs that stood out the most were working at a very tiny company that made lamps that looked like the sky for a children’s hospital.
    And after that a place that produced 20 temporary container homes every single day.
    During that time I was partly responsible for making sure that everything we delivered passed all electrical security standards.
    Student aan huis
    IT Specialist
    At this company I got sent to customer's homes to fix what ever computer problem they had. This included stuff like quickly fixing a wireless printer connection or giving simple courses.
    Meixner GMBH
    Electrician internship
    Second internship, this place was amazing. They noticed that I knew what I was doing so they kept giving me little assignments. I learned so much here.
    Elektro Hilgers
    Electrician internship
    My first ever internship. Wasn't allowed to touch anything. Tried to pay attention to learn but standing around and doing nothing is definitely not my thing.
    Hogeschool Leiden
    Sept 2016 - Aug 2020
    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
    TÜV Rheinland Academy Cologne
    Sept 2011 - Aug 2014
    Electrical engineering (Fachhochschulreife / MBO4)
    Coornhert Lyceum Haarlem
    Sept 2007 - Aug 2011
    Lotify Sales Channel Generator
    This product has the potential to offer Lotify customers the ability to generate
    their own ticket sales channel. I realised t

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