域名年龄: 29年6个月7天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 类型:text/html Content-Encoding: gzip 修改日期:2013年03月21日 22:13:00 接受单位:字节 网页标记:"7637c4313e26ce1:0" 动作:Accept-Encoding 服务器:Microsoft-IIS/7.5 语言环境:ASP.NET 访问时间:2015年09月09日 01:19:26 文件大小:7498
Remote Desktop Web Connection Type the name of the remote computer you want to use, select the screen size for your connection, and then click Connect. When the connection page opens, you can add it to your Favorites for easy connection to the same computer. Server: Size: Full-screen 640 by 480 800 by 600 1024 by 768 1280 by 1024 1600 by 1200 Send logon information for this connection User name: Domain: 1600 then resWidth = 800 end if Response.Write resWidth %> HEIGHT= 1200 then resHeight = 600 end if Response.Write resHeight %>> Connected to
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