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Dennis Lim - http://dennislim.orgSearch this site HomeLaw Notes Contact me: Home Welcome to my site! The purpose of this site is to help law students, by making available the notes I created when I was studying law at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Hundreds of people have asked me for the notes over the years, and commented on how helpful and useful they are. Apparently, they are unique and make the law so much easier to learn and understand. Some students managed to get High Distinctions just by using my notes. It is my pleasure to make the notes available on this site. I hope the notes continue to provide assistance to anyone with an interest in the law. If you are looking for my law notes, please click here. If you have any general questions, please feel free to contact me, I'd be happy to hear from you :) Best wishes,Dennis Lim Comments Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Remove Access|Powered By Google Sites
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2025-03-08 18:01, Process in 0.0068 second.