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The Dolores Huerta Foundation About Programs Vecinos Unidos Press Room Contact Events Get Involved Highlighted DHF Program Civic Engagement The recent death of David Silva, while in custody of the Kern County Sheriff Department, has prompted the DHF to spearhead the formation of the Kern Unity Coalition. Our plan is call on the Department of Justice to investigate this incident and other allegations involving the use of force and fatalities of individuals in custody of Kern County Law Enforcement over the past two decades. The Unity Coalition was created to address the concerns of the community and establish trust between law enforcement and the public. Several citizens have come forward with complaints of unfair treatment and excessive force by certain individuals within the law enforcement community. Other organizations have signed on to this Coalition including the California Civil Rights Coalition, NAACP, Kern County Black Chamber of Commerce, GI Forum, Bakersfield AIDS Project, and the California Prison Moratorium Project. Our goal is to encourage the highest ethical standards within law enforcement, improve police and community relations by encouraging law enforcement to respond with sensitivity in a professional manner to citizens' requests for assistance. We plan to educate the public on their rights and responsibilities as citizens. To learn more, read this article "New Coaltion Presses for Citizen's Review Panel." Follow Us Press Conference at Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy's Office The Dolores Huerta Foundation and Pro-Immigrant Allies are organizing a press conference at Congressman McCarthy’s office on Wednesday, July 3rd in Bakersfield, to deliver postcards and on-line petitions urging his YES vote for Immigration Reform. The U.S. Senate just voted for the Immigration Reform Bill 68 to 32. It is now up to the supporters of Fair and Just Immigration Reform, to step up our efforts and increase our communications with members of the House of Representatives. Persuade them to vote for a Fair and Just Immigration Reform Bill! Emails, phone calls, snail mail, personal visits and press conferences are urgently needed to convince those congresspersons who are still unsupportive of the measure, that it is in the economic interest of the U.S.A. to provide a path to citizenship to all who yearn to become the fabric of our American family. Don’t be discouraged by the negative provisions included in the Immigration Legislation. The bill still has a long way to go: The Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives and the full House. After that, a Conference Committee will be appointed, which will be composed of congresspersons and senators from the Senate and the House. We cannot deny a place in the sun to those who have waited so long and who are so critically affected by our broken immigration system. ¡Si Se Puede! Hundreds of people have already joined us in signing this petition. We need you, your friends, and f
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