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Dosh DoshInternet marketing and making money onlineBuilding Complementary Services: A Powerful Long-Term Social Media Marketing Strategy March 2, 2009 by Maki A fundamental aspect of marketing is to gain the attention of a target audience and engage or redirect it in a way which fulfills specific objectives, such as a positive increase in reputation, legitimacy, mindshare, exposure (visitor traffic), sales and captured leads (subscribers, users, clients etc). In terms of online marketing, social media channels offer many opportunities. Some webmasters focus on setting up profiles with self-serving user generated […] Filed Under: Social Media Everyone Uses the Internet for a Reason January 17, 2009 by Maki It’s the first month of a new year and at this time I’m itching to start new web ventures both for fun and profit. I usually do up a list of possible startup and site ideas and narrow them down into those with the highest potential. But success depends on execution and not just plans […] Filed Under: Internet Marketing Advertisements that Work: Lessons from Tissue Pack Marketing December 29, 2008 by Maki If you’ve been to Japan, you might have noticed the popular practice of tissue-pack marketing. Companies hire agencies to distribute small tissue packages with advertisements inserted in them. These tissue packs are then handed out at crowded city areas to various types of passerbys. Some target only men or women, depending on the product/service advertised. […] Filed Under: Internet Marketing Infographics Can Help You Spread Ideas and Attract Attention November 27, 2008 by Maki An image is an act of communication. Images play an important role in the presentation of ideas. Worth more than a thousand words, they encapsulate meaning by both simplifying and embodying conceptual theories.They make information more appealing, more persuasive. In the realm of art or activism, images reflect the underlying current of collective feeling by vocalizing […] Filed Under: Content Marketing How to Understand Your Audience: Data Collection & Analysis November 11, 2008 by Maki The internet is a fast-paced environment. People can come to your website at any hour from a wide range of locations, each of them with different intentions or needs. Unlike physical retail stores, you can’t see who is coming in and browsing around. You don’t know much about the people reading you. How can we develop a rough profile […] Filed Under: Internet Marketing, Web Analytics Fear of Losing: Using Competitive Instincts to Your Advantage October 28, 2008 by Maki The Winner’s Curse is a term used to describe auctions whereby the winner will overpay because he/she overestimates the item’s actual market value. This tendency to overbid is due to factors like incomplete information or other market participants. Recent research show that people also overbid because of the fear of losing in a soc
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